Deathclaw-fallout 4

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Well, time for another fallout one this time were talking about the deathclaw.

Imagine walking on the sidewalk of your post-apocalyptic world to hear a roar behind you the moment you turn around your dead, all because of the t-rex of the commonwealth the deathclaw.
Deathclaws are supposed to be mutated chameleons which is a fact I don't buy for one second cause it looks like it should be a villain from Doom mixed with a smaller thinner Godzilla. If your thinking come on man all you have to do is shoot them a lot and it will be fine, wrong you, idiot, they have dirty tricks such as throwing rocks and dirt in your eyes, picking you up just to slam you on the ground like an overcooked hot pocket. Here is some advice on killing them and general knowledge I know

1 gauss rifle: I won't talk about this for long in case I do one about the weird guns of fallout but trust me it works.
2 mines they usually run towards you in a straight line so placing one down and moving backward is a great idea. 
3 Not all deathclaws are equal some have big horns, a bit taller and with cooler names like alpha, mystic, and savage.  But there is one type the flashes colors like a gay cop car until it's dead.
4 the ones in Fallout 4 are generally weak as in other games they mad dashed over to you as they are lit on fire in a dessert, so basic nightmare fuel for a gamer.
5 they have the same weakness as a stereotypical fat person just hit them in the gut and your good.

There are a few interesting things about these creatures like in one side quest you can return one's egg to its nest and it will not kill you which means they really care for there young.  Also one horrific fact in the radioactive sea the hunt in packs just like how some paleontologist think T-rex did the same.
Thank you for reading you know the drill and goodbye
1 there are too many mods that make this thing like fifty times its height.
2 if I could give them a quote from SpongeBob it would be "big meaty claws"
3 oh don't get cocky and shoot its leg it can heal himself before your done taking your screenshots.
4 Based on what I saw in Concord they like to live in sewers when they're bored.
5 I took the picture on the top and it is peaceful because I used mods and the pacify move.

Over simplified stuffWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt