Chapter fifty six: Tears, sadness, and sorrow

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So far so good. Hana's not doing bad. At least she's not worse. I'm so happy and grateful for that much. I did get some sleep while she napped after the doctors got her calmed down, but I still mostly tossed and turned. Hospital beds for guests are not the comfiest despite Yami sleeping with me and cuddling me.

We're currently just laying here on the couch bed just watching her in her crib. The doctors have been coming in and out of here non stop, but I understand why. They're constantly watching and keeping up with her condition and vitals.

It's been a while since Hana last ate so the doctors want me to try and feed her. I get a bottle made and try to wake her since she went back to sleep about an hour or almost to ago. She was up earlier just looking around the room and physically showing that she didn't feel good.

The first time I gently shake her, she doesn't wake. "Hana?" I shake her again. Still nothing. "Sweetie, baby girl?" She doesn't even flinch and it makes me worry even more. "Yami, she's not waking up..." "Call for the nurse." Yami says from behind me. "I'll watch over her." I go and scramble for the phone. I hold the phone with shaky hands and dial the little number they give you when you need something. I anxiously wait for someone to pick up the phone.

When someone finally picks up the phone, it feels like it had taken twice as long. "Hello how can I help you?" I struggle to answer back. "M-My daughter.. I went to go feed her and she won't wake up. Please send someone up here." I start to choke on my words, my eyes filling with tears. "Alright, we'll send someone up right away, just hang in there." I nod my head even though she can't see it. "O-Okay..." I hang up the phone and wait for someone to come in here and check on her. Yami must have walked over to me because I barely turn around and see him right there beside me. I stare at him with watery vision. He gives a soft gentle smile before scooping me up in his arms and holding me close. I wrap my arms tightly around his neck as I start to sob. Sobs rack my body as the nurse and Doctor scramble in. Even though I'm not looking, I know they're doing everything they can to find out what's going on.

A/N: Short chapter this time guys, but don't worry there will be longer ones in the future. Yugi's too upset to do commentary today so I don't think we'll have that this chapter either. Especially since Yami comforting him right now. On a side note, I hope you guys are enjoying the story. So don't forget to vote if you like the story and comment your thoughts and ideas below.

I'm his hikari and he's my yami (Yugioh YamixYugi)Where stories live. Discover now