Chapter thirty five: Sleepover in the ER

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Yami's POV

My head slowly starts to clear and I relieve Yugi's nerves. I watch him go back to Hana and pick her up. I go to walk over to them to hold them both in my arms because I love them so. As I make my way to them, the room starts to spin again. My vision begins to blur. I stop near the back of the couch and try to make the feeling go away. but it doesn't. The edges of my vision turn black. I grab onto the back of the couch for support. I try taking a step forward when I regain some of my balance, but I don't remember anything after that.

Yugi's POV

I hear a loud thump hit the ground. I turn to see Yami lying on the ground unconscious. What happened? He was fine just a few seconds ago. I go to hand Hana to grandpa. He gladly takes her and I go rush to Yami's aid. I look him over and start to cry, not knowing what to do. I turn to grandpa for help, but he's no longer in the same spot. I catch a glimpse of Hana in her playpen. He must already be going to call the ambulance.

I sit there with him to wait on the ambulance. After a minute I had decided to pull his limp body partially onto my lap. I stroked his hair and sobbed. I kissed his cheek and buried my head in his hair. "I love you Yami..." I choke out. "Please, don't leave us..." Time felt suspended as we waited on the paramedics to get her. Soon, I heard the sirens. They made it.

The paramedics rush into the house with a stretcher and place Yami on top of it. He looked so lifeless as they strapped him in. I follow them as they go to take him to the ambulance. On the way out, grandpa tells me that him and Hana'll meet me at the hospital. I agree and quickly get into the truck with Yami.

I strap myself into the seat and just stare longingly at him during the ride. When we get there, they rush him in right away. They do their doctoring thing as I stand there just being my love's support. They tell me that Yami has to stay the night and be monitored. He sadly wasn't awake yet.

I sat there on the edge of his bed for a long time. I had been holding his hand since the doctors left us alone. Grandpa had come by with Hana just recently. She didn't seem to like the sight of Yami unconscious and hooked up to several machines. She had become fussy so grandpa left to calm her down and put her to bed.

Some time later that evening that evening, Yami seemed to be stirring in and out of consciousness. I felt his hand squeeze mine. A spark of hope fills me. "Mou hitori no boku?" I call his name in a soft low voice. "Ai, aibou..." Yami's voice comes out hoarse. "Yo you're o ok okay!" I choke out and go to cup his face. "Of course I am. I'm me." He slightly grinned, then leaned in to kiss me before the nurse comes around.

A/N: Whoo hoo! I think we're halfway through this story. Hope you guys liked this chapter.

Yugi- I'm so glad he's okay now.

Yugi smiles softly.

Me- Me too.

I smile back.

Yugi- Feeling better now mou hitori no boku?

He asks yami.

Yami- Yes abiou, lots better now. Thank you for taking such good care of me.

Yami grins and pecks Yugi on the lips. A blush then creeps up on Yugi's face.

Me- Awe, you two are so cute and sweet.

I coo at the two love birds.

Yami- Oh, I'm very sweet my dear Rose.

Yami smirks.

Me- Shut up.

I roll my eyes at him. Yugi's blush grows redder.

Yami- I could shut you up if I really wanted to, but I'd rather have my aibou here.

Yami grins widely and then tightens his grip on Yugi's waist.

Me- I think it's time for us to go now

Yami- Very well then. Bye, don't miss me and my sexiness too much.

Yami smirks with a wink.

Me- Don't mind him.

I shake my head, not knowing what to do with him.

Yugi- Bye, don't forget to leave a comment and vote guys.

I'm his hikari and he's my yami (Yugioh YamixYugi)Where stories live. Discover now