Chapter two: Surprise birthday party

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A/N: This chapter has been revised from the original. Spelling and grammar check. Original date: 5/5/14.

I started to stir in my sleep. I mindlessly began to stretch my arms and legs. My eyes flutter open and when my vision starts to focus, Yami isn't there. I feel a tiny knot form in my stomach. I sit up with the blanket still draped over my lap. I sat there and thought of where he might have gone. Usually he's still in bed next to me as soon as I wake up.

I sat there in silence thinking. The sound of water then makes its way to my ears. Oh, of course. Why didn't I think of that? Guess I'm still shaken up about last night. I sigh and slightly smile. Another thought causes me to widen my grin. My 21st birthday is tomorrow! I don't have any plans, but my friends might. Who knows what my crazy friends will plan the way their minds are. Besides my birthday, I wonder what plans Yami will have for our three year anniversary. Knowing him it'll be expensive regardless of what I say.

I drag myself out of bed and pad my way towards the bathroom. I'm not tired anymore, but I still feel a little sleepy. Maybe some hot tea will do me good. Oh and I could possibly talk Yami into cooking breakfast this morning.

I stood outside the bathroom door and reached for the knob. Yami doesn't care if we're in the bathroom at the same time. There's nothing to be ashamed of. We've already explored, just never done it. The water shuts off. Too late. The door knob had already started turning meaning a certain boyfriend of mine was out of the shower. The door creaked open and a dripping wet Yami had appeared. Yami went to take another step forward to exit the bathroom, but then looked down to acknowledge my presence. "Aibou, you need in there?" Yami asked, gesturing towards the bathroom. Before giving an answer, I gave him a once over and stared in awe at his body. It's not like I haven't seen him in a towel like this before. Though it still wasn't often that I would get to see him this way.

I hear the faint sound of my name being called. I snap back to my senses and see Yami still standing in front of me. He smirked knowing my mind was elsewhere. I blushed slightly and remembered why we were standing here in the first place. "Oh, sorry Yami. Yea, I was gonna take a shower." I mumble, the heat still fluttering in my cheeks. He stepped aside allowing me to pass by him. I take two steps inside then turned my head to look at him. "Yami?" I call his attention. He turns to face me and raises an eyebrow. "Hmmm" I heard him muse back. Now that I had his attention, it was time to get to work. "Would you mind cooking breakfast this morning please mou hitori no boku?" I asked innocently. I know calling him that is a mouth full, but it's worth it and sometimes gets me what I want. Plus it's better than saying other me all the time. Course, I've never said it like that before. He chuckled at my request. "We'll see Yugi, we'll see." Yami smirked, leaving me to take my shower. I smiled and shook my head.

I pulled my shirt over my head and flicked it onto the tiled floor. I walk over to the shower and turn the water on. Luke warm water spews out of the shower head. I let out a small chuckle of my own. Yami must have known I would go searching for him once I got up and noticed his absence. So he left the shower nozzle up for me when I found him.

After the water got hot enough, I stepped out of my pants with my boxers tucked in them and placed them with my pj shirt creating a pile. I got in the shower, closed the sliding door, and stood up straight under the shower head with my eyes closed. I relaxed and let the water spill over my face and body, letting it relax my mind and a few tense muscles.

Yami's POV

I turn off the water, but left the shower nozzle up for when Yugi comes in here. He always takes a shower after me when we get up in the morning. I'm more than sure he'll come looking for me when he notices I'm not still in bed with him. Especially after what happened last night. Normally I would stay in bed with him until he wakes up, but today I've got a lot of work to do.

I'm his hikari and he's my yami (Yugioh YamixYugi)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant