Chapter fifty five: I don't want to lose you

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Hana's been fine pretty much all day. She's played and laughed with her toys and us. Now that dinner's over and she's played a little longer, it's her bed time. She yawns and her eyes flutter sleepily.

I watch as she curls up on the floor. "Awe, our sleepy girl." Yami coos and gets up to grab her , beating me to the punch. I smile and relax. He's got this. Yami's been an amazing father since we got him back. he's made me so proud of him. I wouldn't change it for the world. 

Yami picks her up and cradles her close. She snuggles against his chest and takes a fist full of his shirt in her little hand. I smile widely at the sight, my heart overwhelmed with adorableness. I would follow behind, but I don't want to wake her since she's not completely out just yet.

Yami returns five minutes later. "Well?" I ask curiously. He smiles and sits down, pulling me in his lap. "Snug as a bug in a rug." This makes me really happy. "I'm glad she didn't give you any trouble." "I think she may have been too worn out to this time." "Probably, but it's still a good thing. I'm glad she's starting to accept you more." "Me too aibou." I kiss his cheek and he smiles. "We should probably get to bed ourselves. We never know when she's going to wake up in the middle of the night." "Alright, let's go then." He tightens his grip and holds me as he gets up. He carries me back to the room and we get ready for bed.

Hours later after we had fallen into a nice comfortable sleep, we wake up to Hana screaming and crying. I quickly jump up and rush to her room. I get in there and pick her up, bouncing and rocking her and comforting her to my best ability. She stops screaming, but continues to cry.

I hear Yami sprint into the room shortly after me. Yami's gotten into the habit of sleeping naked from time to time. So I assume he was quickly trying to find a pair of boxers or something. "What's wrong with her aibou?" He asks, wrapping his arms around me loosely. "Butt change maybe?" "Mm, maybe.." I check her butt and she is a little full. "Looks like she does need a diaper change." I feel Yami let go and watch as he quickly grabs the wipes and her a fresh clean diaper. I appreciate his help. I go and do what I need to do to change her.  I get her all cleaned up and changed. Her cries soften some, but not completely. I groan, frustrated. What could be the matter with her? "What should we do aibou?" "I'm not sure.." I go and feel her forehead and for sure enough, she's burning up. "Koi... She's burning up..." "Uh oh, I'll go get a cold rag." Yami leaves as I stand here still trying to soothe her. I hope I can calm her soon. Her cries are deafening. My ears are still ringing.

Yami returns shortly after he leaves. I stopped rocking her and stand still for him to put the rag on her head. This helps slightly cool her off. I gently sway from side to side. I hope this is just a common fever and nothing too serious.

Ten to fifth teen minutes later, she seems a little more calm and relaxed now that her cries have pretty much stopped. Granted that she does still feel warm, she is not burning hot to the touch like she was earlier. I flip the rag over and then lay her back down in her crib. I turn my attention towards Yami. I take a deep breath and let it out. "I think she's starting to feel better now." Yami nods in agreement. "I hope so. I hate seeing her like this." "Me too. If you want you can go on back to bed, I want to stay here and watch her a little longer. I can't really sleep now." I get into her diaper bag and pull out her fever medicine. "No, I want to stay right here with my babies." My cheeks heat up and I nod in understanding. "Alright." I get the medicine out and give her the dosage she needs.  She doesn't like it, but deals with it. "There, hopefully this will make her feel better." I put the bottle back up and then go sit in the armchair across from her crib. I watch him watch over her and sleepily smile.

I jerk up at the sound of more crying. I don't remember falling asleep. I notice Yami and I also don't remember him getting in the chair with me. He too had nodded off as he rests his cheek on his hand with his eyes closed.

I'm his hikari and he's my yami (Yugioh YamixYugi)Where stories live. Discover now