Chapter fifty five: I don't want to lose you

Start from the beginning

I jump up and go to my poor baby girl. I scooped her up out of her crib and gently bounce her in my arms. Her fever has come back with a vengeance. She doesn't even feel like she cooled off a little like she had the first time. "Yami!"  I call out of desperation. I hear him stir. "I, I think we're going to have to take her to the hospital..." "W-What, why?" He asks, sleepy and confused. "S-She's not cooling down at all anymore." I choke back my tears wanting to be strong for her and Yami. I hear Yami get up as I sniffle.
I feel him pull me into his arms and hold me. "Alright koi, we'll get her all better in no time." He tries to reassure me. I nod as I softly cry. Yami lets go of me and goes to get the phone.

Yami comes back as fast as he can with the phone up to his ear. I can't really hear if someone has answered yet or not. I guess someone finally does because right after he walks in, I hear him talking to someone. "Yes, I need an ambulance. My daughter is really sick and I don't know what's wrong with her." Yami goes quiet for a moment before speaking again. "Yes. Okay. Thank you so much." After that, I hear him give the person our address and then let the person on the other end go. "Okay aibou, they're on their way." He says as he puts his phone in his pocket. I nod, continuing to gently rock and soothe Hana. Yami wraps his arms around me again and holds me close.

The ambulance arrived within ten minutes. Everything happens in a blur as the paramedics arrive and take her from me. Yami and I get in the ambulance with her. We sit down and watch as they do the rest. It breaks my heart more to see her like this. She cries and cries until they give her something to calm and relax her. I turn and lean against Yami. He pulls me into his lap and rubs my back soothingly.

The ride to the hospital was relatively short, but it felt twice as long with everything going on. As soon as the vehicle stops, they rush her out and inside. We're not too far behind until she gets put into an emergency room. One of the doctors steps aside and tells us to wait in the waiting room. We agree and go wait.

We've been sitting in the chairs and I just can't sit still or think straight. I'm so worried and scared. I never want anything bad to happen to her. I've had small scares with her in the past, but nothing like this. Yami does his best to soothe me. I lean into his touch and snuggle close.

They eventually call us back and tell us how she's doing. They tell us that we brought her in just in time. I nod and let Yami do the talking. "So what's wrong with her?" Yami starts off.  The doctor explains that she has the flu. The doctor said we caught it so early we wouldn't have known that it was the flu until tested. I relax a little more. "But is she going to be okay?" Yami asks. "We're not very sure on that just yet. We did catch it early, but not that early. Has there been anything else she's done that's different than her usual self?" The doctor asks. I think about it a little and realize a thing or two. "She hasn't really been eating well and she's sleepy off and on all day. She'll be fine for a few hours then want to go to sleep." "I see.." The doctor then proceeds to scribble the notes down on the clipboard in hand. He looks up from the clipboard when he's done. "Alright I'll be back shortly to check on her and see how she's doing. You're free to stay with her though." I go quiet and Yami thanks him. "Okay, thank you." The doctor smiles and leaves. I go to her side and watch her.

I stand there silent watching her. I then hear Yami's voice. "It's going to be okay." I feel him take and squeeze my hand as I stand by her crib hospital bed. "What if it's not?" He goes silent for a moment. "W-We'll figure it out if we ever have to cross that bridge, but I hope we never have to. I'm sure she's going to be okay." I sigh. "I, I hope so....."

A/N: This update took a long time to get out I know. I had just about half of it typed up before a lot of things came up and then holiday hours at my job started. So I'm truly sorry that I couldn't get this story finished in 2017, but now I'm really determined to get it done in 2018. But on the bright side is that this update is on the longer side so I hope you enjoy your late Christmas/New Year's gift.

Yugi- M-My poor baby girl.....

Yugi sniffles, trying to hold back tears. I feel bad as I watch him and nibble on my lip. Yami pulls him onto his lap and cradles him against his chest.

Yami- It's going to be alright aibou. We'll get through this.

Me- Don't worry Yugi, the doctors will take good care of her.

Yugi starts softly crying against Yami's chest, his tears staining his shirt. Yami takes a deep breath and holds him tighter. He also kisses on his temple.

Yami- I hate to say it Rose, but now's not a good time to do our end of story commentary.

Me- Right....

I reach over and start rubbing Yugi's back soothingly, too worried about Yugi to sign off like usual.

I'm his hikari and he's my yami (Yugioh YamixYugi)Where stories live. Discover now