"By the way what are you doing here at this time?" Uncle said glancing up at the clock.

"Ummm..Sir gave me a day off today" I said slowly.

"You mean as in Sir? Mr.Aatish?" Tashu asked and I nodded.

"He is back????" It sounded more as a statement.

"Yeah" I shrugged


"That I don't know, I saw him in the office today" I said.


"And Uncle why aren't you at the shop today?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"It's my daughter's birthday I've the full right to stay at home today" he said yawning.

"Aww...I Love You sooo much" I hugged him

"Love ya too" he said kissing my forehead.

"See, Uncle loves me more, than you" I said to Tashu sticking my tounge out and in return I got hit by the cushion.

"Mmm...Uncle I was thinking that can I call my friends tonight over dinner? I know I'm asking you at the moment but can I?" I asked him showing him my puppy eyes.

"Of course my dear!!!" Uncle said. I did a fist pump in the air and winked at Tashu to which she just glared and went upstairs. Hahahahaha, I love to tease her.

Soon it was evening and we all had completed all our work to make the house presentable in front of my "unwanted guests." Just because I had decided to wear or carry almost everything that Tashu had gifted me on my every birthday, I didn't changed my dress, that doesn't mean that I was wearing it all day long. As soon as Uncle said yes, I changed  into my pjs and we all started doing our work.

In no time, my house was roaring with laughter and shouting going on. Zain, Junaid and Uncle were in the kitchen completing the dare to prepare muffin. While all of us "Girl Gang" was disturbing them enough to divert their mind so that they lose the dare.

It was around eight-fifty pm when I made an excuse and came upstairs so that I could talk to Uncle Sarfaraz in peace. While I was adjusting my hijab, my cell buzzed. I quickly picked it up thinking it must be Uncle Sarfaraz but nope it was Sir.

"Good evening, Sir" I said.

"Miss.Ahmed we'll be leaving tomorrow at six in the morning, I'll come to pick you up by five. Be ready" he said

"Waiitt...whatt??" I was hell lot confused.

"Work tour!!" He said

"I'm still confused!!" I replied honestly.

"Just do as I say"

"You have to give me a good explanation" I replied

"Just pack enough of your clothes. See you at five!!" With that he hung up. I tried calling him back but his cell was unreachable. Weird!! I looked at the clock and it was nine pm. Now anytime, Uncle Sarfaraz can call me.

I was happy as well as nervous.

My cell buzzed again. It was Uncle Sarafaraz's call. I picked it up.

"Hello Uncle, did you find Al? Did you met him? Is he with you? Can I meet him?" I bombarded him with my questions.

"Not so easily, wifey!!" My heart stopped beating.

"Wh-who ar-are you?"

"Ouch!! You forgot me?"

"Where is Uncle Sarfaraz?"

"Where he should have been two months back!" He laughed and I choked on my tears.

"What did you do to him?" I sobbed.

"Well I don't think your sensetive ears can hear the details, just make sure to pray for his sould to rest in peace" he laughed again and I felled down on the floor.

"You can't kill him. No, you can't!! He was innocent...you just can't kill him" I shouted.

"Ssshhh...ssshhh wifey, now now you don't want me to kill his family too and not to forget his two year daughter!!"

"You b@$t@**, what do you want from me??? Why don't you come in front of me? Why can't you show me your face? Be a man, you m***********!!!!!" I shouted at him again. I was shaking in anger.

"Woah, I didn't knew my wifey gives slangs!! Amazing!!"

"Shut the f*¢* up, I am not your wife!! If you have the guts then come and say it on my face!!"

"Then why not you come outside and see me by yourself. I'm wearing a black leather jacket, standing just at the opposite path of your house." I didn't wait to listen anymore and ran out of the house. Yup, a guy was standing, but his back was facing me. From the inside I was hell lot scared but the anger inside me has taken over me.

I went straight towards him and tapped his right shoulder.


Assalamualaikum my beautiful readers. How are you all? I know it's been a looonnnggg time since I've updated last and I know you all must be upset/angry with me which you all should be. But I hope this chapter had cheered you all up, this was the longest chapter that I could make it up for you all for not being much active on Wattpad.

But let me tell you guys that I was really not well. I was having an immense pain in my right hand from a very long time due to which I wasn't allowed to use cellphones, Laptop, or any other such things. This is not an excuse it's a reality and I'm just not saying this to you all for sympathy, I just wanted you all to get an insight of what was going on behind the writing.

Even myself as a reader I don't like late updates so I can understand what it would have been for you all to wait for an update. I'm realllyyyy sorrryyy guys, I tried my best to write but I couldn't write for more than twenty-sixty words a day, that's why it even took more time to update.

And I'm still not allowed to write, but still I'll try to write even twenty-sixty words a day just for you guys.

Now, when everything's clear, I hope you all like the chapter. All the mysteries will now be unfolding one by one. I'm sure you all will get all your answers to each and everything. Every single thing happened will now make sense. Till then keep voting and commenting guys.

Love ya all...

Shadow Of My Pastحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن