prologue | him

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" pretending to be okay is my kind of thing "

he was happy, the days he had with park hye ra, the days where they only knew how to laugh and joke.

and he was sure she was happy too.

but everything changed when his feelings come into play, and he wasn't even sure why.

he never knew.

the pain his bestfriend had as he looked at another girl, as he held another girl's hand, as he laughed with another girl,

another girl other than herself.

he told himself he was happy, that they were still happy, just like the old days.

but was he really? were they really?

as more time passed, they didn't grow closer like they used to do.

they both felt the rift they had in between, that empty spot, just like their hearts.

and so, they drifted, further, and further, away.

until nothing but a huge gap was left.

when the girl left,

all he felt was

a sea of emptiness.

he couldn't survive.

he could only drown.

deeper, and deeper.

if only he knew how important she was to him.

how he didn't want to lose her anymore.

not to anyone, not to anything.

and that was when,

he wished.

" I wish I could rewind time and return to the days where you and I were happy . "

he wished to the stars, the moon, the starry sky.

that was all he could do.

somewhere above, somewhere, anywhere, he wished someone had heard his plea.

he wished that he could have her back.

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