"I can understand why you are emotional."

"I want to be there for her, Bey. I missed so much already, I really don't want to miss anymore. I want her to know me."

"Okay." Bey said before whispering in Blue's ear. "Remember your daddy that I showed you pictures of? That's him right there."

Blue gasped and reached for him immediately. "Daddy?!"

Jay's heart melted as he held his daughter for the first time and heard her call him daddy for the first time. "Aw. Yes, princess. I'm your daddy."

Next day.

"Karim, I'm going out with Jay and Blue. Did you want to come?" Beyoncé asked stepping into his room.

"No, I'm good. Just don't anything stupid."

"I have Blue."

"I'm saying now that he's back, mom. Please just promise me you won't do anything stupid."

She sighed. "Whatever. I promise."

He hugged her. "And let me know if you need me to pull up. I can put these muscles to work." He said while flexing as if he were in a body building competition. "Don't let him talk to crazy or grab on you, none of that."

"Okay, Karim. Bye." She giggled. "Blue, let's go!"

Blue hopped up from the couch and made her way to the door.

"You ready to see your daddy?" Beyoncé asked Blue causing her to squeal in excitement

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"You ready to see your daddy?" Beyoncé asked Blue causing her to squeal in excitement.

"Daddy, coming to the pool?!"

"Yes, he is!"

"Yay!!!" Blue yelled with a smile on her face. Beyoncé was happy that she was so happy about it.

They pulled up to the water park and found a parking space before Bey called Jay to see where he was. "I'm in the front by the gate." Jay said simply.


Beyoncé swung their bag over one shoulder and picked Blue up on the other side.

"That's daddy!?" Blue asked pointing at him.

"Yes, ma'am. Go say hi."

As soon as her feet hit the ground, she was running over to him. "Daddy!!"

Jay was so happy that Blue wasn't shy. She was very receptive of him and he was grateful for that.

He could definitely get used to being a father. He loved her little arms wrapping around him and her little voice calling him daddy. It was the sweetest thing in the world to him.

"Hi, Princess!" He swooped her up in his arms before holding her up in the air. She screamed and giggled.

"Take a picture, mommy!"

Beyoncé pulled her phone out and went to the camera.

"Cheeeese!" Blue smiled before looking at Jay. "Say cheese, daddy!"

"Cheeese!" They said at the same. Beyoncé smiled genuinely at the sight before snapping the pictures.

Blue was 3 years old and talkative as ever. She began talking to Jay about any and everything while they walked inside.

"I'll pay for her." He mumbled. "You can pay for yourself."

Beyoncé was unfazed by his pettiness. She simply retrieved $5 from her purse and paid for herself.

"Watch this, Daddy!" Blue yelled before jumping into the pool.

Jay almost lost his shit, causing Beyoncé to laugh and pull him back.

"You know that's 4 feet of water, right?!"

"Just watch."

After 3 more seconds, Blue floated to the top and climbed out. "Did you see me swim?!"

"Yes, baby girl. You scared me."

"I'm a good swimmer!"

"I see now."

"Mommy, can I play over there in the... um rain things?"

Bey chuckled. She was talking about the sprinkler section with the buckets and stuff. "Go ahead. We're watching you."

She ran off and it got silent.

"Beyoncé, I want to know why." Jay said randomly.

"Why what?"

"Why couldn't you have just said something? You could've easily explained everything to me, but instead you left me hanging."

"Sorry, Jay."

"Bullshit!" He yelled and quickly regained his composure. "That's not good enough. I want to know where your head was at. I want to know your reasoning."

"I was going to get the abortion, Jay. I really was."

The anger coursing through Jay's veins physically noticeable. But he bit his tongue for her to continue

"I went all the way to the clinic, I even went so far as being disrobed in the room, waiting for the doctor. It wasn't until he walked into the room that I realized I couldn't do it... so I left."

"I'm glad you didn't go through with it, but that's not explaining why the hell you couldn't tell me. You could've answered one phone call or sent one letter and everything would be different right now."

"I know."

"No, you don't know. You really are foul. I hate that shit."

Bey only sighed in response and continued watching her daughter play in the water with her new found friends.

"I kept a photo book. Specifically for you. And I always showed her your pictures so she would know who you are."

"Why couldn't you do the same for me!?" Jay was trying to control his temper, but it was extremely difficult. He had so much pent up anger towards this woman that he also loved.

"I was mad..."

"That doesn't give you the right to do me the way you did, Beyoncé. I know I fucked up, but damn."

"I fucked up too, Shawn! And I can't change that. If we're being honest, I probably wouldn't even if I could. I did what was best for us."

"For who?!" He yelled. "For you! I've never seen anyone so damn selfish, oh my God."

"For everyone." She said simply.


"I'm just saying. I did it for all of us. I was never going to bring my child into a prison to see her locked up daddy."

"Fuck it." Jay mumbled and turned away from her. "It's not about us anymore. It's about my little girl." He said before leaving her standing there alone.

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