"No..." I started to run toward the dragon, not caring what it would do to me. "MAVIS, NOOO!!"

Mavis clapped her hands together. "ONE...TWO...THREE!" She crossed them against each other to form a ball of light. "LAAAAAWWWW!!!" The entire town was covered in a bright light.

"EVERYONE DOWN!!!" I screamed, throwing myself onto the ground. A powerful light spell exploded up from the ground underneath the dragon, it's light burning it to the core.

I clenched my eyes shut and squeezed Eevee in my arms, protecting her. She shook as the booming spell kept going for a few more seconds, then faded into silence. I slowly moved my head up, still holding Eevee in fear. The dragon fell apart, crashing onto the street and letting off a cloud of dust. I clenched Eevee again until the crashing stopped. I looked up again.

"Is it over...?" Serena asked softly, in fear herself.

"I think so..." I answered, sitting up. "Everyone okay?" They all nodded and Pikachu cried softly. I stood up quickly in fear. "We have to find Mavis! Now!"

"What happened?!" Ash asked as we all ran towards the bones.

"I should have known this would happen..." I didn't look at them as we ran. "I read in one of the history books at Fairy Tail that master Mavis never aged past thirteen years old. But I didn't know that she casted this spell to make it happen..."

"What is it?" Clemont panted.

"Fairy Law. It's one of the most powerful spells that's ever casted within the Fairy Tail guild. There are two others from what I've heard, but I can't remember what they were." I stopped by the bones. "In this time it's only called Law because Fairy Tail isn't born yet. The spell is so powerful, it takes ten years to perfect. Mavis on the other hand..." I lowered my head in sadness.

"She just learned how to cast it...didn't she?" I nodded when Ash got it.

"That's why...she could never age. Now it makes sense." I moved a few bones out of the way then, trying to find her. It wasn't until I looked up that I saw her familiar full hair. "Mavis!!" I ran to her, crouching down above her sleeping body. "Mavis, talk to me! Mavis!" Her eyes wouldn't open.

"Is she all right? What's happened to her?" Precht and Warrod suddenly appeared behind us. I turned to look at them. Yuri was passed out in Precht's arm. I blinked in relief.

"She's...not doing good. We have to get her to a doctor, now!" Warrod didn't hesitate, and picked her up into his arms. We started to run toward the town's elder who practiced healing magic. Everyone from the town started to come out of their hiding places to see what became of the giant blue skeleton dragon. We kept running though, worried about Mavis.

We stepped into the building and let the elder know what happened, and she immediately pointed to the two beds in the room. Precht placed Yuri in the one closest to the window, while Warrod let Mavis rest in the bed next to him closest to the door. We all stared at her in worry. "Mavis...you truly are a master of Fairy Tail," I whispered, making sure Precht and Warrod couldn't hear. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and turned to see Ash giving me a worried look. I grinned at him, and nodded.

The elder then stepped into the room. We all turned our attention to her, and the other townsfolk came into the room after her. They piled around us, wanting to know what happened to the girl who saved their town. "Can you help her?" I asked.

The elder lowered her hand onto Mavis's forehead. She let off a soft light, and closed her eyes in sadness. "This is worse than I thought..."

"What's happened to her?" Precht asked. I turned my head away in sadness, already knowing the answer. I could barely listen to her answering his question.

"This girl...she's casted one of the most powerful spells ever imaginable without ever perfecting it. In return her body has reacted in the worst way."

"What do you mean?" Warrod pushed.

"Her body cannot age. She will stay the same her entire life." I clench my eyes shut, and swiftly walked out of the room. Out of all the times in the past Celebi could have gone to... It had to be this one!

I kept running until I came up to the lake next to Magnolia. The sky cleared up after the dragon was stopped, making the sun sparkle off the water. I sat on a big rock that was just high enough for me, and kept my head lowered. I felt tears in my eyes as the memory of Fairy Law kept going through my head. Even when she knew what would happen to her, she still risked her life to save Yuri. No master of any guild could be better than her for doing that. Eevee cried softly in sadness, rubbing my cheek.

"Ellie?" I heard the voice of Serena as she came up behind me. I didn't answer, and she sat down next to me on the rock. "Are you okay?"

"Mavis...really is the first master," I replied. "No one else in their right mind would have done what she did. Just to save Yuri..." i clenched the rock. "That's what it means to be in Fairy Tail. To protect your friends like they're family. No matter what."

"Isn't that what we do too?" I looked up at her, and she was grinning. "We protect our Pokémon like they're family, because that's what they are. And they do the same for us. That's why I know Mavis doesn't regret the decision she made."

"Serena's right." I turned my head to see Ash and Clemont walk up. "If you think about it, we all would do the same thing, right? Mavis knew the risk she took, but it was worth it in the end because Yuri is safe again."

I lowered my head again, not feeling the confidence in what they were saying. Was it because they weren't members of the guild like I was? "I guess so...I just wish I could change what happened to her and still save Yuri at the same time." That's when an idea popped into my head, and I pulled out Celebi's Pokéball. I held it in my hand as I called him out. He appeared floating above us with a curious look. "Celebi...is there anything you can do for Mavis? Anything at all?"

He just shook his head, crying softly.

"Ellie, you know that he can't. Not if you don't want to change the future." Serena placed a hand on my back in comfort. "Is that what you really want? To change Fairy Tail from the way it is now?"

I thought about this, knowing the answer to her question. "No, of course not. I just..."

"Oh, there you are." I gasped and spun around to see Mavis herself walking up to us. She wore a different dress, one that was white and pink. It matched her two hair pieces that looked like small fairy wings above her ears. "I've been looking for all of you."

All I could do was stare at her in disbelief. She was smiling like nothing ever happened to her at all... "Mavis...I'm so sorry..." I lowered my head again, and heard Ash come up to me. "What's happened to you..."

"It's all right." She cut me off. "Don't cry okay? It doesn't mean anything to me, because Yuri is safe again." She stepped closer with her bare feet crunching a few leaves.


"Let's look at the lake together, okay?" She sat down next to me, not caring that I was still looking at her in surprise. Her eyes wouldn't move away from the scenery. "Isn't it beautiful?"

I looked at the others, and they all smiled at me. I blinked, and started to smile too, looking out at the lake with everyone else.

Mavis just kept smiling, and giggled at a butterfly that passed us.

Fairy Tail EeveelutionWhere stories live. Discover now