Let us excel

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"Sometimes I wonder, I wonder about the very purpose of why we are here. We live, and we die, and whilst we live, we are taught that what we want to do is gain some artificial feeling that surges through our veins, makes us want to smile and that we gain so-called "satisfaction" from.

"This feeling is happiness. We are told, that, despite our other feelings being normal, our only and our prime goal in life is to be happy, we want to live a paradise, so we work and work for over half of our life (usually) in order to reach this turning point, whist some happy moments encourage us along the way, and then bliss follows. Bliss will come, they say. It's waiting for us, they say. We live just to be happy, we live only for this one thing, and we try our very hardest to grasp this sudden high, but what if happiness is truly the beast?

"What if happiness is just a superior being that feels relaxation when we hurt, when we struggle, when we work, when we push ourselves and push and push and push.

"What if happiness is just a theory? What if this real feeling only gives a "good" effect is because we're told it's good?

"Just like some are brainwashed and corrupt, we have become used to feeling happiness, and have been strongly convinced that happiness is our goal, and is beneficial.

"Therefore, I state that I will live the most disgusting, the most repulsive, the most negative and poor quality of life that I can live. I give my body and my mind to the people, I am a human experiment, and I ask, I beg, for the many of you here today to conclude this experiment when the time is right, when I am incapable, please help me prove that this incapability has brought me satisfaction, and that the horrible things I will experience from this day forward, are things that can be manipulated in order to become something we can strive toward.

"I promise, I declare, or at least, I hope, that I can make pain the new happiness."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2018 ⏰

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