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3rd pov~

Taehyung is currently sitting in history class, glancing at Yoongi every now and then. 'Why did he suddenly changed his mind and stopped bullying me? Why is he so nice to me?' These questions never left his mind after Yoongi comforted him. Sure he told him that he doesn't want him to get hurt anymore but he never told him the actual reason for that. Taehyung keeps looking at him and Yoongi suddenly turns his head and their eyes meet. Taehyung quickly looks away.

"Alright, the last 20 minutes, you can continue with the project with you partner" the teacher announces and everyone start to look for their partner.
Yoongi walks over to Taehyung and takes a seat next to him.

"Were you staring at me?" Yoongi smirks.

"W-what? No I... uhm..." Taehyung struggles to find an excuse and shyly looks away.

Yoongi laughs at the cute reaction from the smaller boy. "Well I can't complain, I'm good looking"

"I didn't stare because of that!"

"So you were staring" Yoongi smirks and Taehyung blushes in embarrassment and looks way.

"Come on let's continue with the project" Yoongi laughs

~at the break~

"Taehyung!" Taehyung is walking to the cafeteria as he hears someone shouting his name. He looks behind him and sees Jin and the other three boys rushing towards him.

"Taehyung we're sorry. We didn't want to force you. It's fine if you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to." Jimin apologizes with guilty in his eyes like the others have.

"It's fine. Thank you for understanding" Taehyung says and his friends sigh in relief.

"But remember, whenever you need someone to talk you always can come to us ok?" Jin says and Taehyung nods, thanking them.

The group walks to the cafeteria and sits down at a table after getting something to eat.

"So how is your project with Yoongi going?" Jungkook asks and everyone is looking at Taehyung.

"Actually good" He answers.

"So he really isn't doing anything to you?" Jimin asks, wondering.

"Yes. It's strange but he's really nice to me" He says and looks over at Yoongi who is looking at him as well and winks at Taehyung, making him blush again and looking away shyly.

"Hm I guess he really regrets what he did to you then" Jin says and the others agree.

"Hey guys, Chim, Kookie and I want to go to karaoke later. Do you want to come too?" Hoseok asks Jin who immediately says yes and Taehyung who isn't sure.

"I don't know... I don't think I can sing"

"Oh come on! It's just for fun and I'm sure you can sing" Hoseok says, trying to persuade him.


"Yay~" Hoseok smiles happily.

"Can we join?" A sudden voice asks them. They turn their heads to where the voice came from and are surprised to see the person, the voice belongs to. Yoongi and his friends are standing at the table, where Taehyung and the others are sitting, waiting for an answer.

"You want to join us??"



"Because it sounds fun. Besides we hope to get to know Taehyung better and that you all get another perspective of us than the bad boys who would beat up everyone" Namjoon explains.

"Well, if it's fine with Taehyung, I think you can join" Jin says looking at Taehyung.

"Uhm sure" Taehyung says and the others smile.

"Okay then it's settled. I'll text you when we meet up" Hoseok says and everyone nods.

Author's note:
So in the next chapter there will be some side ship action~

Hope you guys like this chapter^^

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