Chapter 2: Make Nice With the Locals

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After a moment of silence, with each being looking to one another for direction and hoping someone would know what to do about Frank. Finally, a banshee in the back somewhere shrieked, the near wail bringing with it a burst of wind within the bar that carried her voice. "We can't let him leave alive!"

All hell broke loose as everyone started shouting their ideas for how to handle the situation with the human that had intruded in their private world. Some agreed that he should die, others said they could make him forget, and one charming creature suggested that they should bewitch him to drive him mad so no one would believe him if he "squealed." The witches in the room seemed to perk up at the suggestion, knowing they'd get to cast their spells on a human, even if he was too old for it to be good sport.

Lenry had enough of this and finally shouted over the din, "Enough! He's a payin' customer, an' the man is gonna get his drink an' pay 'fore we do anythin' else with him."

Frank finally spoke up, piercing the awkward silence that followed the barman's declaration. "I would like at least one good drink before you people take me out back and put a bullet in me...or however you'd do it."

"How do we know he will not try to escape before he finishes that drink of his?" The not quite present woman from before eyed Frank warily, and he noticed that there was the faintest image of a glittering crown sitting on her head. "He could make a run for it; we should at least guard the door."

"Who in the hell would I tell? A widower whose family avoids him? Yeah, I'm going to shout it from the rooftops." He then muttered, "Like I could climb up the stairs to one anyway."

"It's my establishment an' Ah say he can stay 'til he finishes here." At least someone was on his side.

"Thank you, sir. Now, for the love of all that's holy, can I get some actual alcohol that won't kill me?" The vampires and demons in the room all flinched or hissed when he said 'holy.' Frank took note of this and filed it away for later.

"Ah can do that."

Sighing softly, Frank rubbed his temples, brows furrowed as he tried to figure out if he actually minded if these people killed him or not. It was a morbid thing to think about, but it wasn't like he had anyone in his life right now anyway and Frank didn't think he had many years left anyway. Oh well, at least he'd go out with a bang...or something. If they didn't kill him but made him lose his mind, Frank would prefer death over that. It wasn't a pleasant life to live, and if he had the chance to avoid it, Frank would take it.

Something tugged at his sleeve, and he turned to look, only to find no one close enough to touch him. The tug happened again, and Frank glanced down to see a small person hovering over his arm. Okay. Tiny people that have wings, banshees, vampires, ghosts, and whatever the hell the barman was. Sure. Why not?

Maybe he's already losing his mind.

The person flitted around a second before making for Frank's face, head tilting curiously. "I don't get to see humans very often. You're all very loud; it disorients us. That's why we don't like humans coming around in our forests. Noisy, destructive. But, before the Europeans came, it wasn't as bad."

Great. Someone who wanted to chat with him and tell him why she didn't like humans. Why bother?

She continued. " seem alright. Maybe. I don't know. It'd be a shame to kill you."

"I share the sentiment," he mumbled. Frank looked her over, taking note of the tiny wings that looked like those of a monarch butterfly. Her clothes looked as if they were made of dandelion seeds, all white and gray fluff. Frank wondered if they really were made of dandelions. Honestly, it wouldn't be the weirdest thing here.

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