"Sp," I smile listening to mommy try to speak. I nod my head understanding what he was saying. I whimper when my head started throbbing. Mommy held me tight with a worried expression I clutched my head in my hands and tears built up in my eyes.

"Hoonie!"I cry wanting my brother with me. Hoonie came in the room sitting by my side. "It hurts, my head really hurts Hoonie!" I cry loudly.

"Hey, it's going to be okay, it's just the bond between you and your mom is starting to form. It will only hurt for an hour or so, otherwise you'll be just fine," Hoonie said rubbing my back. Mommy pulled me into his chest letting whimpers escape his mouth.

"Mommy, What's wrong?" I question looking up at him. Tears streamed down his cheeks. I wipe his tears away with a frown on my lips.

"He's just worried about you Jimin," Hoonie said standing up. "What did you guys want for lunch?" Hoonie asked before reaching the door.

"Mommy wants, spaghetti," I say hissing from the pain in my head. Mommy held me tight, nuzzling his head against mine. A smile reached my lips tightly holding onto my mommy. Hoonie nodded his head before leaving. Mommy and I stayed snuggled into each other while my head ache subsided.


Yoongi's P.O.V

"JiHoon, I have to go to a meetin with the alpha, are you good watching Jimin and his mom?" I ask as soon as we got Jimin and his mom into the house. JiHoon was unloading their bags.

"That's fine," JiHoon says lifting the bags to the door, helping him with the last bags I drove off towards the pack house. The half an hour drive there was filled with silence. When I arrived in the meeting room Jungkook looked furious.

"Your late Yoongi! Where have you been? Huh, you're lucky our guests haven't gotten here!" Jungkook yells steam coining from his ears. I shake my head taking a seat next to Jungkook.

"I was helping my friends settle in, by the way thank you for letting them stay," I said pressing down the shirt that I had on. Jungkook sent me glares that I brush off.

"Don't speak of them again in front of me. I'm already helping you, I don't need to hear about their well-being. What is that smell anyways? It smells like juniper and figs," Jungkook said directing his nose in my direction with narrowed eyes.

"Excuse me, what smell are you talking about. I don't smell a thing on me," I said sniffing my shoulder, nothing, just the same smell I've lived with since the day I was born. Jungkook growled loudly before cooling down in his seat. Minutes later the guests come in and sit down.


Third Person P.O.V

JiHoon, Jimin, and Jimin's Mother all ate lunch spending the rest of the day outside. JiHoon watched from the porch with a content smile. Jimin and his mother sat on a blanket place on the dirt. Jimin was running around his mom, give him hugs and kisses, and playing with toys. Jimin was very happy to be with his mommy.

Yoongi had stayed at the pack house showing the guests around the house as well as the surrounding area. Jungkook stood in his office, keeping eyes on Yoongi at all times. Jungkook felt infuriated. His beta had the sweetest send smothering his entire being. Jungkook only wanted to rip Yoongi in half.

Yoongi had been around Jungkook's mate, that's what he knows for sure. Jungkook hadn't found his mate yet, but Yoongi comes around covered in the sent of Jungkook's mate. It bothered Jungkook to no end. He wants his mate, he wants his mate all to himself. If Yoongi was a wall that needed to be taken down Jungkook wouldn't mind taking him down.

Besides, Yoongi has always annoyed Jungkook since the day they met. Plus the fact that Yoongi had asked Jungkook to allow his friends, that were so desperate,  to come live in his pack land. Jungkook wasn't too happy about Yoongi asking him for such a favor.

Jungkook didn't want them to threaten him or the pack. But he also didn't want to meet such scum that pleads to stay in another's pack lands. Jungkook huffed turning his back to the window. He continued with work occasionally letting his mind drift to what his mate would look like, how they spoke, how they walk, how they had a beautiful body.

Later that night JiHoon helped Jimin and his mom to bed. Reading a bedtime story to the pair before tucking them in and leaving to his own bed. Yoongi was heading home late. He was exhausted from the day spent.

Jungkook laid restless in his bed, thoughts of his mate being close plaguing his mind. He wanted so badly to run through the streets and the forest to find his mate but he had just started his position as alpha, he can't leave now, not when he needs to earn the trust of his people and refine laws, make laws, and end laws, all to make the people he represented happy.

Baby ~ K.T.H+J.J.K (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now