Chapter 35: Goodbye

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(Normal pov)

Over the next five years Greater Berk became the crown jewel of the Archipelago. It thrives thanks to Hiccup's leadership, not only is the man hailed as the greatest Dragon Master the world has ever seen, but he's also managed to unite every Viking tribe in the Barbaric Archipelago. An impressive feat.

Hiccup offered the Berserker people sanctuary on Berk, considering Dagur and Cutthroat plunged their ships and warriors to hell. They even discovered another Bewilderbeast at Berserker Island, only this one was a female, and she was brought to Berk and chose Valka's Bewilderbeast as its mate, since Mammoth was the true alpha at the moment. The three Bewilderbeasts guard the egg and they call to dragons everywhere to reside on Berk.

Toothless and Shadow had many more hatchlings and the Night Furies numbers quadrupled, their numbers growing every few years. Each new hatchling gave Hiccup's people to continue having their children bond with a hatchling and they'd become future riders. Thanks to the Foreverwings promise to give Hiccup and those who follow him immortality, the gentle dragon lives in the forest, where he's most happy and comfortable.

Calus and Artemis married months after the Dragon War and Hiccup is very proud of him, Calus was like a son to him, he tells him of all the joys fatherhood offers, but also its responsibilities. Though Hiccup has no doubt Calus will be an incredible father.

Eira continues to grow and Hiccup sees Astrid in his daughter, her ferocity, her kind heart and her beauty as well. Hiccup trains her daughter with the sword, dragon riding and gives her tips on how to win the boy she's been crushing on. She tells her father he doesn't have to do that, but Hiccup scoffs and tells her that he does and he wants to. He wants his daughter to be happy in the years to come.

Valka was given the title of Thane: Royal advisor and discusses clan matters with the royalties based on how the clan is progressing. She even helped Fishlegs train the younger generation of dragon riders at the new Dragon Academy in the old arena. Gobber was given title of Skald: In charge of for updates, report clan battles, clan history and clan pictures; with Buckets help of course.

Hiccup gave Astrid the title of General, she would lead their armies if he was absent and she wore the title proudly. Both husband and wife had a third child, it was a healthy girl they named Helga. It brought joy to Astrid, having children with Hiccup was not only a privilege but an honor she thought she'd never earn. But Hiccup squashed her doubts and assured her she nothing to fear.

(Hiccup's pov)

Astrid and I were having a picnic with the kids, Eira played with her dragon Violet while Stoick joined. Yes, Stoick was now five years old and he bonded with a Night Fury he named Storm, since the dragon loved flying in heavy thunder storms.

Astrid cradled Helga in her arms and smiled at me as I watch the kids play. "This is perfect." Astrid said, she kissed Helga's forehead and looked back at me. "You made Berk perfect for both species. Mala would be proud of you." I smiled and scooted closer to her, she rested her head on my shoulder and I kissed her hair. "She'd be proud of all of us, we honor her memory by continuing to save dragons from madmen like Drago. It's a shame I had to kill him, though he deserved death, I believe everyone deserves a second chance." Astrid nodded and giggled quietly as she watched Violet lick Stoick and Eira laughing at the scene.

"Drago refused to let go of his past. It became his downfall, you could've let your hatred and anger consume you, but you didn't. You forgave me, Fishlegs, Asbjorn, the twins, and everyone. And because you chose to forgive, Berk had become more powerful because of it." Astrid said, causing me to hum in agreement, I interlaced Astrids hand with my own and we shared a loving kiss.

When we separated, I smiled and said. "The past can't be altered, as much as we wish it could, we can only gaze at the glorious future on the horizon. We have the gift of immortality. All of us." I gestured to myself, her, the kids and the Night Furies sleeping beside them. "We will be remembered for standing up and ending a tyrants mad rampage and for saving countless lives and dragons." Astrid hummed in agreement and we both looked out toward the horizon.

"May the gods bless Greater Berk with good fortune in the years to come." I chuckled and poured myself some wine and raised my cup. "I'll drink to that." Astrid chuckled, laid Helga in her lap, and poured herself a cup and we smiled warmly at each other. "To a glorious era for Greater Berk." I toasted, she nodded and we gently clinked our cups together. "For Greater Berk." We drank the fine liquid and we both continued watching our children play and basking in the glory and shadow of our glorious new empire.

A/N: That's it for the Dragon Master Part II. I'll probably do a third story following after this one, but we'll see. Thank you for reading and I'll catch y'all in the next one.

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