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You know a lot more than I give you credit for.

I misjudged you.
I forgot how you could read people.
You used to know peoples' intentions as soon as they said a word to you.
Maybe you're right.
Maybe I'm not as whole as I say I am.

We all try to make ourselves look better.
We're always trying to impress people.
We love to be apart of a complete puzzle.
We love to fit in.
We love to be dependent on people's opinions.

Apart from you.
You don't care anymore.
I'm not sure if you ever used to, but you definitely don't care now.
You don't care about anyone.
Because everyone faded away when you needed them the most.
Never to return.

I'll always be here.
I can't be a friend, however.
We're at war.
True friends don't try to destroy each other.
Though fake friends might.

It's sad how people can become dependent of fake friends.
People who don't care.
People who just use weakness to their advantage.
You know many fake friends.
Don't you ever want to stab a knife through their backs to become even?
Even ridding the floor of warm, sticky blood would be worth it.

If you did, you wouldn't survive prison.
But if you don't want to be here right now.
And if your mind is unable to save you.
It's always an option.
It's not an option right now though.
I'm still dependent on you.

Isn't it funny how humans are so dependent on everything even though they deny it?
People say humans can fly.
Humans can't.
Planes and helicopters fly.
We just deny that we're dependent on them to fly.

We're dependent on things too.
You're dependent on your medication.
You're dependent on your 'them'.
And, again, I'm dependent on you.

We're both helpless.
Because you're helpless.
Because you're too dependent on things that won't help you.
Helplessness and dependence will kill you.

You'll see.

Sorry for not updating. I've just been coming up with ideas for future chapters, as I have to make sure everything fits together.

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