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Why am I contacting you?

That's probably what you're thinking.
And it's complicated.
I can't tell you everything, some parts would be dangerous for you to understand.
By that, I mean that they'd damage your mind further.
You have a nice mind, and we wouldn't want to destroy it, would we?

But we can question everything, so why ask just that question?
We can ask so many more.
Why do we exist?
Why do we try to find purpose in our lives when we're just going to die anyway?
Why do I feel so incomplete and inhuman?

See, it's just like a game.
Like life itself.
Don't think too deeply, you'll terrify yourself again.
I know that you've had more than your fair share of sleepless nights.

But then again, sleep is pointless.
It's only a matter of time before we'll be sleeping for eternity.
But how much time do we have left?

We'll see.

As you can see, the chapters are starting to get longer, but the length most likely won't be consistent. Sorry if that annoys you.

Anyway, if you liked this chapter please give it a vote. Comments are also highly appreciated.

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