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What is the point of jealousy?

Emotions are pointless regardless, but jealousy is the most pointless.
It's just wanting something someone else has and hating said person for having it.
In other words, it's just being petty.

I'm thinking like you.
You don't see the point in jealousy either.
Though, no offence, I don't like thinking like you.
There's just too many parts of your mind that I can't tolerate.
We're just too different.

I'm jealous of you.
There, I said it.
Unlike jealousy, I like honesty.
Most of the time.

I prefer being myself of course, but there's things about you that I long to have for myself.
People like you, for a start.
They want to befriend you, but you're just too shy to talk to them.
People hate me.
They want to get rid of me.
They think I'm destructive.
I've never been sure why people pity you, but maybe it's because of me.

You also have a level of control I could never achieve.
You waste it though.
You let everyone make decisions for you, as though you're too weak to object.
You're weaker than me, but not too weak to do things for yourself.
Use your control.
Use it for me.

And hell, sometimes I wish I could fade away from the world like you.
It must be useful.
You can just disappear into the clouds and place your feet back on Earth whenever you choose.
I can't.
I have to stay here, otherwise I'll never be able to come back.

You know, I'm not sure why we haven't destroyed each other yet.
We've never been able to hate each other, though I feel like things are changing.
I sense a war between us.
A war you'd be forced to fight because you're too polite to disagree.
I wonder who would win.
You? Me? Neither of us?

We'll see

I just want to note that I have done no planning whatsoever for this story. I'm just writing what comes to mind. I have no idea how long this story will be. I don't know how it ends.

Anyway, if you like this chapter please give it a vote. Comments are also appreciated. Thanks for reading!

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