Chapter Seventy Two - Truth versus Justice

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Chapter Seventy Two – Truth versus Justice


Lady Justice has been raped

Truth assassin

Rolls of red tape seal your lips

Now you're done in

Their money tips her scales again

Make your deal

Just what is truth?

I cannot tell

Cannot feel


The all-white attire was already laid out for me when I woke up. My maid shaved my face and then I dressed. As soon as I dressed there was a knock on my door.

"Come in," I answered as I was trying to fix my unruly hair in the mirror.

"Hello Darling," A sickly sweet voice said. I had to stop myself from cringing from the sound of her voice. I heard the door click shut and looked over at her. She walked over to me, swaying her hips too much causing her to look awkward. "Haven't you heard the good news, Darling?" She placed her hands on my chest and I took a step back.

"It's quite the opposite," I answered.

"You don't mean that," She said as she walked toward me again.

I took a step back to match her. "I do actually. I started this contest with hopes that I wouldn't have to marry you after all," My face was completely emotionless.

"It's Belinda isn't it? That whore stole you away from me!"

"How could it be Belinda? I had the plan in motion long before she came along."

"She has you now though. She's had you wrapped around her finger ever since she came here."

"Whatever you want to think," I said monotonously.

"Well it doesn't matter what you feel for her because you're marrying me. I'm the rightful queen. I'm who the king wants to be queen."

"Exactly. You're who the king wants; not necessarily the best, but the best at following His Majesty's every order."

"Isn't that what a queen is supposed to do?" Sue asked the question as if the answer was obvious.

I shook my head and replied, "I'm assuming you're expecting the answer to be yes, which doesn't make you a bad queen it just makes you the wrong one for me."

Her mouth dropped open and her eyes grew wide. "I don't even know who you are anymore." I had to stop myself from snorting.

"You never did, Sue." I paused a moment and said, "I think you should leave now."

She backed away slowly and then turned and walked out. I walked over and slammed the door shut behind her.

It was his entire fault.

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