Chapter Forty Three - Best For Last

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  • Dedicated to All my voters, commentors, and silent readers! (:

A/N I've decided that this long chapter will make up for upcoming chapters. I'm not quite sure yet how long they will be while she is in the castle. I know that the longer ones will be at the end of the month, when Belinda goes back to her family and Andrew will be able to visit. (They won't be able to visit while the others girls are in the castle, too risky).

I'm veryyyyy happy with this chapter. I was thinking about my first version of this book while I was writing this chapter and realized how far I've come as a writer. I know that I am far from being a well known author, but I'm happy with what I have right now. This book has made it sooo far, thanks to you all! (which includes, my voters, my commentors, and even my silent readers!) I love you all and appreciate everything! In my origonal book this particular chapter (that was no where near as detailed as this one) was chapter eight. I'm so glad that I started over and really thought everything out and gave, even the minor characters, more of a background story. I think It makes the story seem more realistic, and gives each of you something to relate to and understand on a deeper level.

Without further adieu, here's chapter Fourty Three.

Chapter Forty Three - Best For Last


And now we're standing face to face.

Isn't this world a crazy place?

Just when I thought a chance had passed,

You go and save the best for last.


Aleene clapped happily and squealed. She looked like a little kid who was receiving candy. "You look gorgeous!" Aleene said dreamily. "Turn around, turn around! Look at yourself, Dear!" I was facing Aleene, my back was to the mirror. Aleene refused to let me look at myself until I was completely done. I closed my eyes and turned around until I knew I was facing the mirror. I opened my eyes and took in my appearance with wide eyes. My blonde hair was piled atop my head, my cheeks had rouge on them, making my cheek bones appear high. I was pale, but not ghostly pale. My eyelashes were long which complimented my green eyes, but it was my dress that really made them pop.

The dress was pale pink and had a low v-cut which showed a lot of private flesh. The bodice was tight fitting, which showed my curves. From my hips it flowed out. It was longer in the back than it was in the front so it dragged on the floor as I walked. The embroidery of the dress was fantastic. There were no words to describe it except for: absolutely beautiful.

Andrew was going to love it!


It was hard to believe that just two months ago we had a major fight because of my immature thoughts. I couldn't believe I had rejected him. It all ended up okay though. We ended up working things out one night even though it was a little rough for both of us. Now we were as good as new. We grew in our relationship and I told him everything now. I confided in him like he had always wanted me to do. He did the same with me too. He told me everything.

The tension between him and the king grew more every day.

He was also worried about his sister. He told me that Beatrice seemed jittery and jumpy. He said that her eyes were constantly glazed over. He said that she just didn't look herself. When he tried confronting her, she denied that something was wrong. He could tell it was a lie, but didn't press the issue any further.

"Well what do you think?" Aleene asked. I had almost forgot that she was here.

"I look gorgeous. The dress is amazing. Thank you so much, Aleene." I turned around and hugged her tightly. She hugged me back.

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