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"It is Jung Jaehyun!"

Chaeyeon hit Heehyun's shoulder for talking too loud.

"He's gonna hear you. The walls aren't soundproof." Chaeyeon told as she let go of her best friend.

"You, what have you done in life to be blessed living in the same building as Jung Jaehyun?" Heehyun asked, munching on Pringles she brought.

"You like him or something?" Chaeyeon asked, changing the TV channel.

"No, I don't," Heehyun said then leaned close to Chaeyeon. "But you should."

"What? Why me?"

"Let's be honest. A hunk like him living just beside you. You're single, he's single. Both of you live alone."

"He just moved here yesterday?"

"The faster you act, the faster he's yours."

"Stop it already, I'm tired of boys already."

"You've never even dated!" Heehyun exclaimed loudly while Chaeyeon hit her again, this time with a pillow.

Chaeyeon went to the kitchen to get some water and Heehyun followed behind her.

"Take this as a challenge,"


"Try to get to know him,"


"Just be friends, for sakes!"

"Why should I?"

"Well, for starters, he's your neighbor. If something happens to you in here, won't he be the first person to help?"

"Why would he help a stranger?"

"That's why I said to get to know him!"

Chaeyeon ignored Heehyun and headed back to the couch to watch a movie.

Heehyun sighed exaggeratedly as she laid down beside Chaeyeon.

"You know, one day, you're going to thank me for actually pestering you to talk to him," Heehyun said.

"We'll see."


090XXXXXX has joined the chat

090XXXXXX : Hello, this is the new tenant, in room 127. My name is Jung Jaehyun. Please treat me well.😊^^

MrsLLL : Welcome to Neo Apartment, Jaehyun. I hope you enjoy living here.

090XXXXXX : I think I will. This place seems like the perfect home to me.

MrsLLL : If you have any difficulties or questions, feel free to ask for help. You can ask me, Mr Nam, the security guard, and my husband.

090XXXXXX : Thank you Mrs Landlord

MrsLL : Right, you can also ask help from Chaeyeon from room 128. She'll be sure to help you if you need anything.

090XXXXXX : Okay. Thank you.


"Ah, and just when I thought we won't even talk much."


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