Part One: Chapter Two

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Second Key:

Y/b/f: Your best friend
H/c: Hair color
H/l: Hair length

E/c: Eye color
S/t: Skin Tone
Y/b/f/h: Your best friends height

I'm making your best friend non-binary so it can be a boy or a girl best friend.

When the door was completely open, I was faced with a tall, slim woman with wavy green hair. She was sitting on a throne with a bored frown. "Cereal Arcadios, who is this?" Princess Hisui asked, rising to her feet. "Princess, meet your new bodyguard, Y/n Y/l/n," I glanced at Arcadios then to Hisui was frowning with furrowed eyebrows. "I do not require a bodyguard!" She snapped with folded arms. Arcadios stared at Hisui in shock. They started bickering about the note, needing a bodyguard, and assassins. "Pffft, hehe," I started giggling. Arcadios and Hisui looked at me with wide eyes. I was full on laughing by now. My laughter quickly died down. The two gasped when my eyes turned dead. "You sure about that princess?"

Hisui took a step back. "Someone could, I don't know, try to get a hold of that pretty head of yours. Or are you so stupid that you'd just walk around unprotected?" Arcadios drew his sword. I watched with a blank expression as he pointed it at me. "Don't you threaten the princess!" He yelled at me. "I'm not threatening her, I'm insulting her, there's a difference." Arcadios swung his sword at me. "Stop!" Hisui yelled, but it was too late. I quickly pulled out my knife and blocked the sword. Thanks to the steel I made the knife out of, the sword split in half. Pieces of the sword landed on the floor. Arcadios and Hisui stared at me in shock as I put my knife back where I had it. "When do I start?"

"The ridiculousness of the situation! The audacity! I am insulted! I need no protection from you!" Hisui yelled. I was leading her down the castles hallway to the ballroom. According to her schedule, she had ballroom dancing, fencing, tableware studying (I don't know), lunch, her classes, then I need to spare with some other guards + soldiers, finally, dinner. "Listen," Hisui finally looked at me, "the assassination agency that wants to kill you are very, very dangerous. You may think you have the power to be by yourself, but you aren't." Hisui puffed her cheeks out. She turned on her heel and walked to the ballroom. "Stupid princess." I snarled.

"One, two, three, one, two, three." Hisui waltzed with some fancy man in a ridiculous purple suit. I watched, back against the wall. My left leg was up and foot on the wall. Hisui allowed the man to dip her with the blankest expression. A small laugh slipped out of my mouth. I quickly covered my mouth. Hisui and the man looked at me quickly. I saw them looking then smiled nervously. "Ma'am, you must leave." I stayed where I was. "As Hisui's bodyguard, I must always stay in the same room as her" The man released Hisui's hands. He approached me. "Who are you?!" he snapped at me. "Y/n Y/l/n, you?"

"Gabriel Adam Paul Louis Arthur," I blinked a few times. "Okay, Gabe, I'm just doing my job, like you." Hisui faced palmed. "Out!" Gabe snapped. I sighed then left. "Y/n Y/l/n, the Princess' new bodyguard?" I looked around. I finally laid eyes on a person of (y/b/f/h) height. They had (h/l) hair that was (h/c). Their eyes were (e/c). And their skin was (s/t). "Yeah," I said, turning my body to completely face them. I was slightly (smaller/bigger) than them. "Hi, I'm Y/b/f, it's nice to meet you." Y/d/f held their hand out to me. I looked at it for a few second before grabbing hold of it. "Oh, uh, are you a boy or a girl?" I asked. While Y/b/f had large eyes, like most girls, their body was a mixture of a boy and a girl. "I'm non-binary, so they/them pronouns will work. What about you?"

"She/her, but if you feel like it, go ahead and use they/them. What did you need me for?" I asked once I released Y/b/f's hand. "Well, I heard that you're my chamber mate." I raised my eyebrow. "Chamber mate?"

"Y'know, roommate. Did you think you'd have to stay up all night?" I nodded my head. "God no! You may be the Princess' bodyguard, but that doesn't mean you get no sleep. You and I are in chamber 5060, meaning we're down the hall from Hisui." I nodded my head. "When do I go sleep and what time do I wake up?"

"You go to bed two hours after the Princess, so maybe 11 or 12 pm, then you wake up at 6:00 on the dot for breakfast + showers. You'll have dinner and lunch with Hisui." I nodded my head along with Y/b/f's explanation. "So what do you do? I'm obviously a bodyguard, but I know there are other jobs around here." Y/b/f looked shocked by the question. "Can't you tell by the uniform? I'm a maid...butler...whatever." I looked them up and down. "That is a very unisex outfit." The short with a short-sleeved dress shirt, like all butlers and maids, wear, but the pants were black with black shoes, like butlers. Y/b/f was also wearing a vest and bowtie. "I should get going, I was sent to tell you about your job and the sleeping chambers. Bye, Y/n!" I waved Y/b/f off. "They weren't so bad."

"Who?" I jumped at the sudden voice behind me. "Do you want me to die of a heart attack on the first day of the job?!" I snapped at Hisui, who stared at me blankly. "No, now, shouldn't you be taking me to my fencing classes?" Hisui blank lips cracked into a small smirk. I puffed one cheek out. "Yes, come on." The two of us walked down the hallway silently. There was a turn, and I took it. "Left, Y/n," Hisui said in a matter-of-fact tone. "Well, damn, I've never been in the castle." I studied the map, but some areas were still fuzzy. "Touche."

I watched in shock as Hisui fenced. She was excellent. She caught me staring. Hisui winked before fencing with her instructor. I looked away quickly. Another guard stood a few inches away from me. I approached him. "How's it going?" I asked. My casual question made him confused. "Um...good?" Does anyone even talk to these people? All day I've been trying to talk to people, but they look so shaken when I ask a simple question.

"I have a question," Hisui and I were eating lunch in the gardens together, "do you or the king ever talk with your servants or guards or cooks?" Hisui stopped chewing on her food. "What do you mean?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. "All day I've been trying to have a decent conversation with these people, and they act like I have a bomb strapped to my chest!" I leaned back against the statue with a huff. "No, my father never talks with them, I try," Hisui said with her hands folded in her lap. "Clearly, not hard enough."

Hisui's classes were the one time I actually didn't have to be in the room. The rooms where she studied had no windows or vents for bombs to be thrown or snipers to shoot her. So, I stood outside the door for a solid six hours. The first two hours weren't so bad, I just talked to people who wanted to meet me, then boredom took its toll around hour four. By hour five, I was playing the knife game. You know, that game when you spread all your fingers apart and stab with a knife as fast as you can between your fingers without stabbing yourself. I play it all the time, so I didn't stab myself once. The door opened and a loud gasp filled my ears. I stopped mid stab then looked up. Hisui looked at me with wide eyes. "What?" I asked.

Just Her Assassin (Hisui E. Fiore x Female! Assassin! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now