I glance up from my phone and freeze, nearly dropping my phone. This can't be right, can it be? Standing before me was a golden gate that was at least 6 feet. The doors of the gate immediately opened as I stand there, considering to step in or not. 'A trap, this could be a trap and you're going to waltz right in clueless and unprepared!' the voice of reason in my head shouted.

Ignoring it once more, I stepped through as a strong force hit me in the face, making me stumble on my feet barely able to stand. Opening my eyes, not realizing I had shut them, I was met with a garden with a stone path placed before me to follow. Turning around I realized there was no way back, the gate had left me to this land of wonder.

If I can't turn back, I might as well move on forward.

My feet began to move before my mind could catch up with me, following the stone path to wherever it might be leading me. Roses, tulips, lotuses, and irises surrounded my path as the fragrance off of them only made me smile. This man may be mysterious and untrustworthy but he sure knew how to pick a place to meet, a place filled with beauty and wonder. Small blue lights dance around above each flower as I reached my hand out towards one, the moment my finger touched the small orb it's color changed to a vibrant green making a smile spread wide across my face.

"Wow..." was all I could manage to say from all this beauty. The lights, one-by-one, turned green as they began to move onto the path and lead me down further into this garden. I followed still as I found a giant willow tree come into view with a stone bench sitting underneath; apple blossom amaryllis circled the trunk with small red lights hovering above them.

The green lights moved behind me and began to push me towards the tree until I reluctantly took a seat on the bench wondering what was to happen now. I appear to be alone in this garden with no escape, am I trapped? Has the warning in my mind been right all along? I'm such an idiot, I should've stayed home in the arms of my love! Who knows what is to occur to me now.

My phone rang as I jumped, forgetting that was still in my pocket. Taking it out I saw that my phone had no service out here...wherever here was...yet it states that "Xqnqrzq" is trying to make contact with me. Hesitantly, I lift my phone up to my ear and answer the call as I wait to hear the man's voice.

"Well, my dear, I'm glad you finally came around. I would like to apologize for my absence, work came up as usual and I was able to slip alway to make this call." he spoke with a gentle yet alluring tone in his voice.

"The garden is beautiful, I'll admit that." I said quickly making slight small-talk. I heard him hum in agreement as I heard his feet shift slightly. "Yes, indeed it is. One of my favorite spots to go to. I especially love the deers and fawns that roam through the garden."

I froze in confusion, there weren't any deers around, I'd remember if I had came across an animal taller than me and the flowers while roaming around freely. "That's odd because there aren't any deers here." I said in a nervous tone as my hand shook slightly. Why did the thought of missing wild animals terrify me so much?

"Is that so? Have you tried looking up?" he asked. That's an odd question to ask, why would I need to look up to find a deer? I'm pretty sure I know my animal species and this type aren't known to fly or even climb for that matter.

Nonetheless, I looked up out of curiosity and a scream escapes my throat. Up in the willow tree hung a deer with its body distorted and blood dripping from every gap on it. Its eyes were soulless, no life within them, and its teeth taken from his mouth. I felt a small drop of deer blood land on my face and I begin to scream in horror again as I fall off the stone bench and back up to the trunk of the tree. No matter how badly I wanted to look away I couldn't. My eyes were glued and my heart was shattered, thoughts couldn't process as I realized it wasn't just one hanging but three. A buck, a doe, and a fawn were hanging by their necks as they seemed to have experienced the most gruesome death.

Nightmares Into Reality (Sequel to M.A.D.) (Bill x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now