Next Morning and The End

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 I woke up before Luke and changed into some skinny jeans and a black top along with my cowboy boots and leather jacket. I woke Luke so that he could change and I headed down stairs.

"Howdy B"

"Howdy Alyssa"

I laughed at Brain's southern accent as I grabbed a Corona from the mini fridge and laughed at Brain's face as I popped the top.

"Well we got ourselves a cowgirl" Dom said as he entered

"Yeah but this cowgirl can street race"

I said as Dom laughed and looked to Brain as he nodded saying that I had told the truth and I was one hundred percent serious. As I was walking towards Brain I grabbed my stomach as I felt like I was going to be sick. I sat down my Corona and ran to the bathroom and threw up.

"Aw shit"

Mia then walked to me and sat in the floor with me and smiled kindly at me.

"Does he know?"

"No I'm scared of what he will think"

"Just tell him, I told the crew when I was being offered a Corona at a party that we had last week"

I smiled at her and stood up and began towards mine and Luke's room. I knocked on the door and walked in to see Luke tying up his combat boots and he smiled when he saw me and walked to me and hugged and kissed me as I began to cry.

"Hey, hey what's wrong do you not want a hug?"

He asked full of worry and confusion, I shook my head no and looked up to him and walked back from him and told him to stay where he stood. I stared at his eyes as I put my hands to my stomach and looked down at my hands once they were there and he looked confused for a second before he ran to me and spun me around and kissed me.

"Are you serious?"

I nodded to him so glad to see that he was happy about this. 

Fast All Over AgainDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora