Back at Base

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"When we get back to base I want to talk to you"

I nodded okay and leaned my head against the window and stared at the streets of Rio as they passed under us. When we got back to the base Luke and I headed towards a private room for our little discussion. When I walked in I was met with a look of hope from Hobbs. I began to walk towards him as he walked to me. He gently put his hands on the small of my back and the back of my neck and pulled me into a kiss of sadness and anger. I pulled away in shock with a look of sadness as I chuckled and pulled him into a kiss my arms draped lazily around his neck and his arms holding tightly to my hips pulling us closer together if that is even possible. We pulled back at the sound of our comrades yelling for us, we began to walk out as they were yelling about a tracker on the bottom of the armoured car that we drove from the street race in. 

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