Why doesn't my sister ever just do what I need her to do and be okay with that? I guess I'll have to do SOMETHING.

"All right..."

Standing up slowly from the edge of my bed, I cross the distance between it and the door where Buffy is standing. My sister smiles a little and hands me the phone.

"You'll feel better, I promise."

Gently and very slowly, I bring the receiver up to my ear. All I can think to say is...


"Oh... Dawn... god, thank you I... Dawn I..."

The sound of her voice again has me so angry that I'm gripping the cordless so hard that it hurts and I can't hold anything back.


Then I turn and throw the phone across the room to the nearest wall as hard as I can. It shatters against the wall into parts. I take a few long breaths and I suddenly feel really good about what I just did.

Maybe now she'll get the message.

That thought makes me smile.


The blonde headed slayer I call my sister walks over to where the phone is laid out in pieces on the floor, slowly and carefully picking them up and putting it back together.

"Did you have to try and break the phone to get your point across?"

It made me feel better.


She almost glares at me for a second before catching herself and going back to what she was doing before.

"Well, I just hope you can keep yourself under control from outbursts like that tomorrow for the funeral."


"I will."

Buffy manages to pick up the pieces, some of them fitting back together no problem, some of them not.

"You better. These girls deserve our respect for giving up their lives in battle the way they did."

"I know."

"And you of all people need to show your respect for what they gave up. You owe them a lot."

For god's sake...

"I KNOW, I said I'd do the right thing and be respectful. Just... get off my back about it already."

There's a long moment of silence where all I can hear in the room is the sound of Buffy clicking the pieces of the cordless phone receiver back together.

"Faith will be there."

Hearing her name makes me clench my fist so hard that it starts to hurt. So I force myself to calm down before saying anything.

"Screw her."

She sighs heavily when she comes up to me.

"And now with two simple words you've managed to show exactly why I'm so worried about you keeping your cool tomorrow."

Her hand touches my shoulder in some pathetic attempt to comfort me.

"Dawn... I know you're going through a lot right now, and saying that it's hard probably doesn't even begin to describe it."

Like she really knows, or cares.

"But this funeral is going to go like it was planned. We're going to have slayers guarding it through the whole ceremony and after, most of the people there will be slayers, and I have Willow casting a protection spell around the families and others there to make sure no one does anything to disrupt the plan."

Just a College Girl (girlxgirl) (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now