Chapter two

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*Beths P.O.V*

I stood infront of the long mirror, Admiring my reflection, I'm not a vain person however I was trying on some of the outfits for drama, I'd been cast as the female lead in the schools musical, and butterflies fluttered in my chest as I began to wonder who the male lead would be, I'd seen the script and it consisted of two teens who basically fall in love in school, nothing more, nothing less, however it was a musical and included some beautiful songs, Such as 'Perfect To Me' and 'Girl You're Amazing' They were songs that were sent in anonymously by other students in our year. 

I snapped back to my surroundings and fiddled with my middle lengh straight auburn hair. I hated the colour of my hair and had always wanted to dye it, but my mother was funny about these things and I said I'd have to wait until I was 16, Which was in a few months. I guess it would be my birthday present.

A hand fell upon my shoulder and I turned to see a shortish pretty blonde girl behind me, Her name was Shanel, and she'd been my best friend since I could remember.

"Stop staring your self and come sit down, Mr Saunders has something he needs to tell everyone and it doesn't sound good.."

And with that she turned and skipped delicatly off towards the seating area, I quickly got back into my school uniform and sprinted to the seating area, Mr Saunders shot me a kind look before clearing  his throat.

"Ah, Now that everyone's here" He started "You have all probably noticed  that we are...ahem... short of a male lead, Well as you also know we held auditions for the part this lunch, And to say this straight, Every student that auditioned was bloody terrible"

Fits of giggles started to fill the audatorium before Mr Saunders cleared his throat again to gain his attention back.

"As funny as it is, Without a male lead, the play cannot go on, So If we do not find one, Then.."

The room grew tense and worried expressions creeped onto peoples faces, Suddenly everyone jumped as a large crash was heard coming from back stage. Mr Saunders ran up the steps and backstage before the room started to fill with loud chatter, Everybody fell silent as A boy was brung out onto the stage, Mr Saunders held him by the collar and had a large grin on his face.

"Guess who's going to be playing the male lead for the play to stop me from telling the principle"

No one said a word and i looked at my feet in shame, The short and thin boy he had on stage had 2010 Justin Bieber hair, But a darker brown, He had amazing dark brown eyes that were easy to get lost in and a cheeky smile. He was also the boy I'd had a crush on since Primary school... 

His name was Michael Sutthakorn.

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