The Flower In His Hair

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Beverly's pov
I sat on the steps waiting for the losers arrival. I had called them to my house so I could show my bathroom to them. I needed to know why my dad didn't see the blood but, I did. If they saw it, I knew I wasn't crazy. I heard the sound of a rusty bike and I knew it was Bill's. Standing now, I raced down the steps to meet them, preparing myself to show them what happened.   "...She didn't say anything. SHe just said that you guys need to hurry over"  I abruptly stopped in front of them. " You made it. I need to show you something..." I rubbed the sweat on my palms against my jorts. "What is it?" (y/n) asked. "MoRe THaN wE saW at ThE qUarrY?" Richie blurted. I noticed (y/n) punched him in the side, the two of them started to blush. Can one of them get the guts to ask the other person out already?  My thoughts came to a stop when Eddie shouted. "Shut up! Just shut up Richie!" "My dad'll kill me" I took a pause. "If he finds out I had boys in the apartment. "We- We'll keep a lookout." Bill suggested. He then pointed to Richie, I knew where this was going. "Richie, s-s-st-stay here." I quickly pip up, "Yeah, you too (y/n)!" I gave her a wink then headed up the stairs. "Woah, Woah, Woah! What if her dad comes back?!" "Just do what you always do, start talking." Stan responded. ".....It is a gift." Richie said. I could hear (y/n) trying not to laugh but from what it looked like, she was about to piss her pants.

(y/n's) pov
I couldn't contain my laughter any longer. It wasn't even that hilarious but, here I was on the verge of tears, rolling around in dirt and grass with my arms clutched around my waist. "Aw, c'mon (y/n) that wasn't even funny." Richie nagged. He offered his hand and I took it, pulling my self up in the process. I took in a deep breath to compose myself and I noticed that Richie and I were inches apart. My eyes wandered to his lips. I was this close to Tozier's lips. His perfect, pink, plump lips that I dreamt about kissing every night.

Richies pov
Her (h/c) (h/l) hair fell in front of her face. Without thinking, I moved it out of the way and tucked it behind her ear. (y/n's) eyes widened and her face turned a bright shade of crimson. I'm an idiot. She probably thought that was fucking creepy. "Oh, sorry, that was probably kinda weird..." I quickly apologized. "Why would you be sorry? You were just trying to help. I was just caught off guard is all." A small, yet still noticeable smile appeared on her face. Both of us began talking about life and other shit like that. (y/n) picked a flower with white petals and placed it in my hair. "You look cute!" She chuckled. "I always look cute!" I declared then 'flipped my hair' She laid her head down on my lap. (y/n's) eyes were closed, hiding the beautiful (e/c) color they had. We stayed silent for a while. She opened her eyes and we just kinda sat there staring at each other. I examined her face, noticing every detail that made her so cute...... no cute wasn't the word to describe her, a TOTAL BABE was. I decided to break the silence with a question. Not cause it was awkward, I just wanted to hear her voice."What ya thinking bout?" "Oh, nothing..." She responded.

(y/n's) pov
That was a major lie. I was thinking about how cute Richie looked at the moment. I have to tell him how I feel sooner or later. No, I just can't. As if I wasn't in control of my own body, I opened up my mouth revealing these words. "Richie I have to ask you something..." Great, just great. I can't back out now. "What is it doll?" Did he just call me doll??? "Um, well you see...." I hesitated. "Spit it out, we haven't got all day!" He teased in his awful, but goofy, British accent. "If someone likes you, would you want to know? Even if it fucked up your friendship?" He paused for a moment. I could tell he was really thinking about it cause his eyebrows furrowed. The only other time it happened was if he was made a smug face. " Yeah, I would. If the friendship was strong and it meant something to me, that shouldn't affect anything." I evaluated what he had said. What if he doesn't think our friendship is strong?  What if it signified nothing to him? I assumed my pause had gone on for a little too long when Richie tried to get my attention. "(y/n)? (y/n)?! (Y/N)!" "Yeah?" I lifted my head off his lap. "I asked you why you wanted to know?" Here goes nothing. "I think I have a crush on you!" I shouted then quickly covered my mouth with the regret of saying that. "Y-you have a crush..... on m-me?" "That's what I just said dummy." I teased, trying to lighten the situation. The next thing I know, a pair of lips landed on mine. The kiss was soft and sweet.

Richie's pov
I can't believe it, she likes me. She actually likes me! I closed the rather small gap between us with a kiss. Her lips were smooth and tasted like kiwi. The embrace was short but it had meaning, nothing like a simple peck on the lips.  It felt like it could go on for hours however we got interrupted by Beverly. "Well, well, well, it seems you two finally realized you like each other."

*(a/n) it's finally done! 'claps for thy self' ok so i wanna just put this out there but if you ever need to talk, i can listen. ik that was random but this is a safe place and i want you to know that. so if your struggling with school or even just wanna tell me about the bitch that tried to test you today, i'm all ears. anyways, i hope you enjoyed the story!- Allie <3*

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