Chapter 9

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"And now I know, what it's like,

To be Crushed." 

Acton's beautiful, deep voice filled the venue, the sad, emotional tune making all members of the audience pause and focus on the words. For the first time, everyone in the audience was quiet as he sang the song about how he was 'crushed' when I had come into his life. I felt myself tear up, the weight and the meaning of the song hitting me again, and I smiled backstage as I watched the men perform. Acton kept on glancing at me and winking throughout the song, making it seem as though he was putting on a special show just for me. I grinned even wider when after the song was finished, I realized that not one pair of undergarment had been thrown up on stage while performing that song. 

After "Crushed," they continued on with their regular routine, the songs they played on a daily basis for their concerts. I was still teary eyed from Acton's words, though, and had to exit the backstage. 

"Where are you going, Anya?" one of the bodyguards asked me, trailing right behind me. I turned and smiled at him, trying to charm him to do what I wanted. 

"I'm just going out the back to get a little fresh air. It's a little stuffy here, and I just need to relax," I smiled and looked up at the large hunk of man dressed in a fancy business suit, who, if I didn't know who he was, I would've run away. The men who traveled with the Lady Killers, and the band themselves, were all large and tall, towering over my small frame and height. But I knew I could trust these men, and I felt safe. Acton had commanded all of the bodyguards to be looking out for me while the concert was going on, to make sure I didn't get into trouble. But I wanted to go outside, alone, and relax without someone constantly having to look out for me. I wasn't a child. I could take care of myself.

"I'll come with you, then," Craig, the bodyguard, answered, nodding to another bodyguard to signal that he would be coming with me. 

"No, that's unnecessary," I answered, slowly backing away from him. "I won't be but a minute," I promised. 

"I need to keep an eye on you, Anya," Craig said, just as the crowd cheered when the band finished another song. "People around here are dangerous, and wouldn't think twice about taking advantage of a woman."

I dug into my purse and pulled out a can of pepper spray, along with a loud horn that I could squeeze if I got into any trouble. "I can take care of myself, Craig. I've got it all under control."

"I still don't like this, Anya," he said, but I could tell I was wearing him down and that it was only a small matter of time before I got him to bend to my will. 

"Tell you what, if I'm not back in two minutes, you can come out and search for me," I said, "I am not a child, I am a woman, and I can take care of myself just fine. Thank you for your concern, though," I said, trying to soften the blow.

Craig looked from side to side, as if he were breaking some kind of law and he didn't want to get caught. "Fine. Two minutes and then I'm coming out to get you."

I smiled, and quickly walked away before he had a chance to change his mind. 

I weaved through the throngs of the backstage crew, making my way to the back exits. The exit led into a dimly lit alleyway, and I leaned up against the black walls of the establishment, not caring about what grime might have been on it. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and focused on how beautiful Acton's  words were, and how much he'd changed from when I'd first met him. It was hard to believe that I had only met him about a month ago, when he was a woman-using jerk, and now he had morphed into a person who was better, someone who could become the man I need. Albeit, there were still some rough spots to them, but I loved them all the same. 

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