Part 7

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In Taekwoon's room...

                   "How are we going to take them to the playground? People will recognize us," Hakyeon says in worry. "Hakyeon-ah, relax. We can wear mask," Taekwoon comes out with an idea. " But we will scare the kids. People will feel suspicious too," Hakyeon states his worry. "Hmm... You're right... But... The kids will be disappointed..." Taekwoon says with a sad face. "I'll talk slowly with the kids," Hakyeon says as he pats Taekwoon's shoulder and smiles. He then heads to the door to get out but something caught his sight. A bright yellow sticky note is sticking under the light switch beside the door. "What is this?" Hakyeon asks and Taekwoon immediately goes to Hakyeon's side. "What is it?" Taekwoon asks as he peeks what's in Hakyeon's hands. "Hi, there! We meet again. Good news for you. You can bring the kids out to the playground without any worry. Even if there are people, they won't recognize you. But make sure to go back before 6 o'clock! People will start to recognize you after 6 o'clock. Okay, hope you have fun!" Hakyeon reads the words on the sticky notes.

                     "That's great! We can bring them out!" Hakyeon exclaims. "Yup! Let's tell the kids," Taekwoon says as both of them get out from the room and heads toward the kids. "Good news, kids. We can go to the playground this evening," Hakyeon announces. "Yayyyyyyy!!!!" Hongbin, the most excited one exclaims as he dancing around. Sanghyuk gets up to and joins his hyung dance. Jaehwan and Wonshik already raise both of their hands and do 'hi-10' several times while cheering happily. "What time are we going?" Jaehwan asks excitedly. "We'll be going at 4 o'clock," Taekwoon answers. "But, we have to go back before 6 o'clock," Hakyeon continues. "No problem, eomma!" Wonshik immediately agrees and gain nods from the others. "Good boys," Hakyeon and Taekwoon says in chorus as they pat each of the boys' head and smile. Then, the kids back to play the game together with their 'parents'.

                   After tired playing the games, Hakyeon decides to get the kids to sleep. He sees Sanghyuk already rubbing his eyes with his cute hands while Hongbin yawns. Jaehwan and Wonshik also look tired. "Let's go to sleep, kids. You guys want to play at the playground this evening, right? You need a lot of energy to play," Hakyeon says and gains a nod from Taekwoon. "Sleep can give us energy?" Hongbin asks and it makes Taekwoon chuckles. "Yes, Binnie. But don't oversleep. It can make you more tired," Taekwoon answers as he smiles. Hongbin nods his head cutely several times to show that he understands.

               "Woon-ah, how about we just sleep here in the living room?" Hakyeon asks as he looks at Taekwoon. "Sounds nice. No problem," Taekwoon replies. "I'll take the floor mattress and blankets here," he continues before he stands up to takes all their needs to sleep. Hakyeon helps to put the kids aside so that Taekwoon can easily spread out the floor mattress. After that, Taekwoon takes the pillow from each room and put it on the mattress.

                After Taekwoon is done, Hakyeon brings Sanghyuk, who is already sleeping in his embrace while waiting for Taekwoon and lays him carefully on the mattress. Taekwoon helps to put the pillow under Sanghyuk's head. Hakyeon pats Sanghyuk's bum several times to make sure the younger is sleeping soundly.

            After that, Hakyeon leads the other three kids to join Sanghyuk on the mattress. Hongbin lies down besides Sanghyuk follows by Wonshik and Jaehwan. Taekwoon takes another blanket to covers Wonshik and Jaehwan while Hakyeon does the same for Hongbin and Sanghyuk. Hakyeon is about to lie down on the other side of Sanghyuk but stop when Hongbin asks something he unexpected. "Eomma, shouldn't you sleep besides appa?" he asks as he points at his 'appa', who is about to lie down besides Jaehwan. "Yes, eomma," Jaehwan agrees and so does Wonshik. Hakyeon scratches his head as he looks at the younger. "But, eomma have to take care of Sanghyuk," Hakyeon says. "No worries. Binnie can sleep at that side and Shikkie can lie down here. Hyukkie will be safe," Hongbin says confidently. "Wonshikkie can't sleep besides Hyukkie," Taekwoon immediately says as he remembered what happened before. "Then, I will exchange place with Shikkie while Binnie lie at the end, besides Hyukkie and eomma can sleep besides appa," Jaehwan lets out his thought as he smiles sheepishly. Hongbin and Wonshik nods at their hyung's word.

               Hakyeon raises his head to look at Taekwoon and Taekwoon just nods, signaling that Hakyeon should just follow the kids or else something bad might happen. "Arasseo. Binnie, come here," Hakyeon orders and Hongbin obeys. He then lies down besides Sanghyuk before Hakyeon fixes the blanket again. Taekwoon also fixes the blanket for Wonshik and Jaehwan after they done exchange place. After everything's done, Hakyeon shuts the curtain and switches off the lamp to have a better environment for sleeping before he lies in between Taekwoon and Wonshik. "Have a good sleep, eomma, appa," the three kids whispers and drifts to sleep after they gets the same words from their 'parents'.

                 Hakyeon and Taekwoon lie facing each other. "I hope we can bring the back," Hakyeon whispers as he looks at Taekwoon. "Don't worry Hakyeon-ah. We will. Now, just sleep. We need more energy to play with them this evening," Taekwoon whispers back as he pats Hakyeon's arm to sooth the leader. He also sings a lullaby in a slow tone since the leader seems to have a problem to sleep due to worry about the kids. Thanks to Taekwoon, Hakyeon slowly closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep. When Hakyeon looks a little bit cold, Taekwoon take cares of him by hugging him close and covers them with the blanket before he drifts off to sleep too. Just like that, the dorm finally calm and quiet.


Hi, guys! A late and rushing update T.T

Sorry if there are too much error and it's not match your expectation...

Hope you guys still enjoy reading it ^^

Thank you for everything <3

Comments, Votes are all welcome ^.^

Little VIXX ❤जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें