Part 3

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                    "Taekwoon-ah, the kids are all our members, right?" Hakyeon asks suddenly. "Our members? How?" Taekwoon asks with a confuse face. "I don't know how but I think they're our members. Jaehwannie is Jaehwan. Binnie is Hongbin. The youngest-look-kid must be Hyukkie and the one with Hyukkie is Wonshik," Hakyean lets out his thought. "Make sense!" Taekwoon exclaims. "Anyway, did you bring along the paper just now? I wonder what's inside," Hakyeon asks Taekwoon about the folded paper that hitted Jaehwannie. "Oh, I did! Here," Taekwoon replies as he gives Hakyeon the said paper. Hakyeon immediately open the folded paper and read what written inside.

To: Hakyeon and Taekwoon

You guys are given a mission to take care of the members and try to accept them just the way they are. All the members' daily needs are in their respective room. All you need to do is only take care of them and accept them. They will assume that both of you are their parents. There will be hidden missions. If both of you succeed, the members will turn back into their original form. Good luck!

                    Hakyeon and Taekwoon looks at each other and can't help but to feel scare. Especially Hakyeon. "Hakyeon-ah, relax. We need to help the members back to their original form. All we need to do is succeed in the hidden mission. We can do this!" Taekwoon says as he holds Hakyeon hands as if he transfers some of his courage to Hakyeon. "Okay, Taekwoon-ah! We can do this. We already used to take care of kids, right?" Hakyeon says firmly and both smiles. Both have experience taking care of their niece and nephew. It should be no problem.

                  "So, what should we do first?" Hakyeon asks. Taekwoon takes a glance at the clock in the kitchen. "It's almost 2 in the morning now. We still have time to sleep. Let's sleep first and wake up at 7 in the morning to think about our breakfast," Taekwoon decides and Hakyeon simply agree to it. "I will take Hongbin with me and you take Hyukkie. I afraid he will be hurt by Wonshik. Well, you know... like just now," Hakyeon mutters in worry. "That will be no problem. Now, let's sleep," Taekwoon says before he goes to the living room with Hakyeon to bring along the two kids to sleep.

7 a.m...

                    Hakyeon wakes up by his phone alarm. He gets up to shut his phone alarm and pulls away half of the curtain to get some sunshine into his room. When he turns back, he's shock to see a half-awake little boy on his bed. "Hakyeon-ah! He's Hongbin," Hakyeon reminds himself and calm down. Luckily, he didn't punch or kick him. He remembers what happened and immediately gives attention to the little one. "Binnie must be shock by the alarm, right? Sorry... you can go back to sleep, okay? Eomma will wake you up later," Hakyeon mutters softly and he pats Hongbin's back to get the boy back to sleep. Being a nice boy he is, Hongbin immediately drift to sleep back. Hakyeon then close the curtain back to give Hongbin a better environment to sleep before going out from his room.

                    Hakyeon and Taekwoon get out from their respective room at the same time and they meet at the living room. "So, what's for breakfast?" Hakyeon asks after they sit down on the sofa. Since Hakyeon can't cook as good as Taekwoon, he decided to only be a helper for Taekwoon eventhough he's the mom of the group. "Hmm... How about we go into their room and try to search for any hint about them. I remembered the letter said that their daily needs are all in their room," Taekwoon replies. "Okay, let's go," Hakyeon agrees and he heads to each of the members' room quietly with Taekwoon.

In Wonshik and Hyuk's room...

                   Wonshik is still sleeping soundly. "Looks like their habits still remain the same," Hakyeon says as he chuckles. All of them know how hard to wake Wonshik up. Taekwoon smiles as a reply. They then head to the corner of the room. Taekwoon pulls away the curtain a little to have a better sight of the things at the corner of the room. There are kid clothes and all daily needs of a kid is there. They see two folded papers on a box and decided to read it. "It's about Wonshik and Hyuk," Hakyeon says as he gives the papers to Taekwoon. "This will be easy then. Let's collect Jaehwan's and Hongbin's papers too and try to know them better,"

                    After they collected the papers that contain info about the members, Hakyeon and Taekwoon sit on the sofa in the living room again and try to learn about them. After a few minutes studying the info, Hakyeon writes down all the important points.

Lee Jaehwan

5 years old

Can go to the toilet, brushing teeth and taking bath himself (as long as the bath water is ready).

Likes to eat yogurt and sausages.

Love to listened to the bedtime story before sleeping.

Drinks milk in glass.

Kim Wonshik

4 years old

Can go to the toilet and taking bath himself (as long as the bath water is ready).

Still need help in brushing teeth.

Likes to eat strips-cut sausages.

Love to listen to bedtime story before sleeping.

Drinks milk in glass (he drinks a lot).

Lee Hongbin

4 years old

Can go to the toilet himself.

Still need help in brushing teeth and taking bath.

Likes to eat fruits (cut into small pieces).

Love to listen to lullaby before sleeping.

Drinks milk in glass (likes strawberry milk).

Can't sleep without his favourite bunny plushie.

Han Sanghyuk

2 years old

He needs help in almost everything.

Still need to use diapers.

Eat anything that's a kid at his age eat.

Love to listen to the lullaby before sleeping.

Still drinks milk in bottle.

               "Basically, only Hyuk needs a lot of things and help," Taekwoon says when he sees the list that written by Hakyeon. "Yeah. So, what's now?" Hakyeon asks for the next plan. "I'll take bath first while you prepare their clothes to be wear later. After that, you will take bath and I'll make the breakfast. Make sure you fill the bath tub for Jaehwannie to take bath. Is that okay?" Taekwoon asks out his suggestion. "Sure, no problem," Hakyeon agrees before both do their own duty.


Hi, guys! ^^

No fluff in this chapter...

This chapter is just to introduce the kids :)

But, I promise you guys that I will include some fluff in the next chapter hehehe...

Thank you for everything and I really appreciate it <3

See you guys next time! ;)

Don't forget to comments as well as votes :D

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