Part 4

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              Hakyeon have just finished taking bath and now complete in his casual outfit. He walks to the kitchen to see Taekwoon. "Taekwoon-ah, need any help?" Hakyeon asks. "It's okay. I think you should wakes up Jaehwan first and asks him to take bath. Then wake Wonshikkie up. I already fill up the bathtub in the other bathroom," Taekwoon says and Hakyeon simply obey as he walks into Jaehwan's room to wake up the little boy.

               Hakyeon switches on the light and walks towards the bed before sitting at the edge of the bed. "Jaehwannie, wake up. It's already morning," Hakyeon softly says as he shakes the little boy's body a little. Jaehwan makes a little movement and his hands rub his eyes before opens it a little. "Oh, eomma. Good morning!" Jaehwan greets his 'mom' with an angelic smile. He immediately changes into sit position and face his 'mom'. His angelic smile remains. "Good morning, Jaehwannie. Now, go take bath and then we will have breakfast together, okay?" Hakyeon greets back with a smile and asks the little one to take bath. "Neh, eomma~" the little one obeys and hops down the bed. "Here, your towel and toothbrush. Use the first bathroom. Just call me if you need help, okay?" Hakyeon says as he gives Jaehwannie the things. "Neh, eomma. Will do," Jaehwannie replies with a smile before taking the things from his 'mom' and heads to the bathroom. "Looks like the direction in this house remain in their memories," Hakyeon assumes before he heads to the kitchen again.

                 Hakyeon comes out from Jaehwan's room and heads to Wonshik's room. He pulls the curtain open and the sunray shines the whole room. He then sits on the edge of the bed and tries to wake Wonshik up. "Wonshikkie, wake up. It's already morning~" Hakyeon says as he shakes Wonshik's body several times. Wonshik doesn't gives any reaction and Hakyeon smiles since he's used to it. "Shikkie... wake up..." Hakyeon tries again and this time he lifts Wonshik's body and puts him on his lap. "Eomma... Shikkie is sleepy," Wonshik whines as he hugs Hakyeon's waist and sleep again. "Aigoo... okay. I will let you sleep for some more. But promise me you will wake up the second time I ask to, okay?" Hakyeon tries to tolerate with the little one. Wonshik nods his head several times before Hakyeon puts him back on the bed. Hakyeon then close back the curtain and heads to his room to get Hongbin.

                   "Hongbinnie~ wake up... it's already morning," Hakyeon wakes the little one up as he pats Hongbin's hair. Hongbin moves a little before opening his eyes. "Oh, Eomma~ good morning," Hongbin greets with a smile. His dimples can be seen clearly. "Good morning, Binnie~ now, stands up. Let's give you a bath," Hakyeon orders softly as he helps Hongbin's stand up before he gets all Hongbin's belongings and heads to the second bathroom with Hongbin besides him, holding hands.

In the kitchen...

                   "Appa!" a kid calls. Taekwoon immediately turns to give all his attention to the caller. "Yes, Jaehwannie?" Taekwoon asks as he smiles. "Can you help me to button this shirt? I can't do it," Jaehwan requests as he pouts. "Come here," Taekwoon calls Jaehwan to get closer to him before squatting to match Jaehwan's height. Taekwoon buttons Jaehwan's shirt and then gives the little one a pat on the head. "There you go," Taekwoon says and it makes Jaehwan smiles. "Thank you, appa!" Jaehwan thanks cutely. "Go seat on the chair. We will have breakfast in a little while, okay?" Taekwoon asks and gains a nod from the younger. Taekwoon flashes a fatherly smile as his eyes follows Jaehwan's step to the dining table before he continues preparing breakfast.

                 "Appa, good morning! Jaehwan hyung, good morning!" Hongbin greets as soon as he steps into the kitchen with Hakyeon. "Good morning, Binnie!" Jaehwan greets back happily. "Good morning, Binnie," Taekwoon also greets back. Hakyeon settles down Hongbin on the chair besides Jaehwan before he looks at Taekwoon. "I'll wakes Wonshik and Sanghyuk up. You can handle these two, right?" Hakyeon asks. "I thought you wakes Wonshik first just now?" Taekwoon replies with a question too. "Well, you know Wonshik. So, I let him for some more," Hakyeon explains as he smiles. "Okay then. Go on waking them up," Taekwoon says. "Jaehwannie and Binnie are good boys, right?" he continues as he looks at kids at the dining table. Jaehwan and Hongbin nod their head cutely. "Okay, then," Hakyeon mutters before he gets the other two ready.

                 "Jaehwannie, Binnie, can both of you help appa to put this on the table?" Taekwoon calls for the kids and shows them the plates that fill with foods. "Neh, appa!" Jaehwan and Hongbin happily hop down from the chair and get to their 'appa'. "Bring it carefully, okay?" Taekwoon reminds and the kids obey.

A few minutes later...

                  "Good morning!" Wonshik voice can be heard. "Good morning!" Taekwoon and the two kids in the kitchen greet back in chorus. "Good morning," A soft voice can be heard later and it comes from the cutie Sanghyuk. "Aigoo, our maknae is so cute," Hakyeon praises as he leans closer to Sanghyuk's face to give some pecks. The little one giggles, maybe it's ticklish. "Good morning, Hyukkie!" the three hyungs greet the maknae. Taekwoon walks closer to Hakyeon and looks at Sanghyuk. "Good morning, Hyukkie," he says softly as he pinches the maknae's cheek slightly. After the morning greeting, they all set at the dining table and starts to have a wonderful breakfast for that morning.


Hi guys! ^^

Surprise!!! XD Double update hehehe

I type this chapter quite rush so... I'm very sorry if it does not satisfy you guys *bows*

The reason for the double update is... I will be busy these few days...

So, I don't think I can update this story for a while... very sorry T.T

Like I promised, here are some fluff for you guys <3

Hope you guys still enjoy reading this story :D

See you guys in the next update!

Thank you for everything <3

Little VIXX ❤Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat