I'm sure as hell the happiest I've ever been

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All time low Vegas

I'm sure as hell the happiest I've ever been

"I'm extremely fucking sad today." I announce to Jack as we walk down the halls, "Like extremely sad."

"Write it down and we..." Jack started.

"Nope." I interrupted, "I'm not doing that and we aren't talking about it now."

"Alright." I could tell Jack was annoyed, he was still holding my hand but he went quiet and wasn't standing as close to me as he was, he stopped tracing shapes in the back of my hand with his thumb, to the outside world nobody would think anything's up with us but I could tell Jack wasn't happy.

"We can talk about this later but not here." I say wanting to make him happy, "Just not here."

"I just want you to be happy and accept help."

"I know." I sigh, the only thing Jack ever asks of me is to try, try and be happy, try to get better, he's never asked for anymore more than me to try and I can't even do that, "I'm sorry."

"You've done nothing wrong kitten." Jack lowers his voice so nobody around could hear us then let's go of my hand, instead puts his arm over my shoulder pulling me into my side, "It's not your fault we just got to change your negative thinking."

"You shouldn't put up with me."

"But I'm going to because I love you." Jack makes me feel safe in his arms, I feel good pressed up against his side as we walked the halls.

"Also my ass hurts." I make Jack smile, "So thanks for that."

"Is that sarcastic?"

"Only a little." I shrug, "I think you should carry me though."

"You want me to sweep you off your feet and carry you bridal style to class?" Jack asked, "Isn't that a little damaging to your badass reputation."

"I don't care I want you to carry me." I hold my arm around Jack's neck as he bent down picking me up, "Onward!"

"Give me a second." He laughed, "Make way people!"

"The new God is coming through and I'm here to spread my message that birds have nipples."

"What the fuck Alex!" Jack burst out laughing nearly dropping me in the progress, "This is why I love you."


We got split up in geography again in pairs. I was with Zack. Rian and Jack where put together. I asked to be put with Jack but Miss Becket wouldn't since she likes to split up couples. She keeps us with a friend and would only put together a couple if they have nobody else to work with. Jack was sitting at the desk in front of me but instead of facing it he was sitting on his chair backwards so he was facing me. Zack and Rian was actually doing the work occasionally asking each other questions about the work.

"Alex, Jack. Both you help your partners." I roll my eyes as Jack turns in his chair.

"So what are we doing?" I ask Zack.

"Just draw this diagram of the volcano." Zack said writing some something from the text book, "People are starting to believe you're actually a human who's capable of normal emotions."

"Hu?" I take a pencil off the desk, "I don't have normal human emotions."

"Apparently Jack was carrying you bridal style down the halls today."

"Oh he was." I shrug, "Why is that a big deal to everyone?"

"Because nobody's ever seen you so happy."

"I've never been so happy." I smile picking up a blue sharpie and starting to label the shit picture of a volcano I drew, "Jack makes me happier than I've ever been.

"Love you kitten." Jack said obviously overhearing me.

"I love you more princess."

"So you're calling me princess again?" Jack asking turning his head.

"You love it." I write the title in a green sharpie.

"Not as much as you love kitten." Jack shoots me a smirk.

"Maybe not." I shrug, "But you love princess because you secretly want to be loved and pampered."

"Not as much as you." I roll my eyes.

"Once again maybe not but you still do." Jack turns around in his chair again, "I should buy candles and shit before we fuck next."

"You was complaining about your ass less than a hour ago." Jack chews on his pen.

"Wait you fucked?" Rian asked actually joining in on the conversation, "When?"

"Last night." Jack said smugly.

"Get in their." Rian high fived him before lowering his voice so only the four of us could hear, "So Alex you ain't a virgin no more."

"Nope." I smile fist bumping Zack.

"How was it?" Zack asked, I guess that confirms the question I never asked of who tops out of Zack and Rian.

"Good." I nod slightly uncomfortable, "Really good."

"You're blushing."

"Shut up."

"I told you that." Rian puts his feet up on a desk, "You should try it."

"I might."

"I didn't need to know that." I laugh.

"I do."

"Get back to work." Miss Becket said walking around the class, her heels were tapping on the cold floor, she wasn't talking to us but I knew once she spotted our group and our conversations about gay sex she would most likely move two of us, "Boys are you okay?"

"I'm nearly finished Miss." Rian said.

"I'm just helping him." Zack lied through his teeth, "We are done."

"Are we?" I whisper and Zack nods, I didn't even know what we was doing I just copied a picture of a volcano out a used textbook.

"Okay make sure Rian doesn't just copy you." With that she goes back to making her rounds around the class making sure people are doing their work and don't need any help.

"So Alex your finally admitting what we all knew." Zack asked as Rian went back to writing.

"I didn't know."

"Anyway you still down for Friday?" Zack pulled his chair closer to Rian pretending to show him something.

"Yeah." I start to scribble on paper, "Wanna get drunk Saturday?"


"Jack, Rian you down?"


"I'm always down for spending time with you kitten."

Authors note

I have work again tomorrow and honestly it makes me want to die.

Do you think Friday or Saturday is going to go well? Do you think Alex and Jack being all cute and couply will effect Jack's reputation.

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻

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