fighting pt. 2

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 so uhhh this is really bad, but i just wanted to get it out there anyway 

"babe!" the red haired girl cried joyfully, wrapping her arms around her blonde lover. jace chuckled, eyes red from the previous hours. "you said you wanted to talk?" she sat down on the cozy chair of the cafe, sipping her coffee as jace sat opposite her, watching as he rubbed his hands together nervously.

"i'm in love with someone else." the words replayed in her mind.

"what?" is all that she said, jace sighed. 

"it wasn't intentional. one day after i left your place, i ran into this guy and we just bonded really fast and we started hanging out and, i don't even know how it happened, we just kind of developed a relationship. i still loved you but he just changed everything, i'm-" clary interrupted her 'boyfriend'. 

"how long?" she said, her voice breaking slightly. jace gulped, holding his breath. he was going to lie, say only a week or two. but then he heard simon's voice in the back of his mind, and he saw the tears in simon's eyes, and he thought to himself. when were the lies going to stop?

"about, um. f-four months." he stuttered out, feeling a tug of guilt when clary's body jerked from the sobs she was trying so desperately to hide. 

"so we're done? you're just going to throw it all away for some boy?" clary raised her voice, her face getting red.

"he's not just some boy!" jace defended, scrunching his eyebrows. 

"and i'm not just some girl!" clary yelled. jace sighed, looking at the people around the cafe that had turned their heads to look at the screaming couple. 

"i know, i know, i'm sorry. i'm really sorry." jace rubbed his eyes. there was a long silence as clary processed what she'd ben told. finally, clary stood up, grabbing her bag and slamming some money on the table.

"you're an asshole." she said, taking one last look at jace before walking away. 


it's been three days. three days since jace broke up with clary. three days since jace went outside. three days since jace had seen or spoken to simon. and that all ended today, because jace was sick of missing simon. he was sick of moping around his apartment waiting for simon to come to him. 

jace stood outside of simon's front door, raising his hand to knock. before he could even knock or run away or whatever he decided on doing, the door swung open, revealing simon. well, it didn't look like simon. this guy had bags under his red eyes, his hair was messy, his clothes were crumbled. simon let jace look him up and down. "i thought i wasn't going to see you again. i-i thought you were done with me." simon said, his voice weak and broken.

"i'm never going to be done with you, lewis." jace reached his hand out, cupping simon's face. simon leaned into his hand, closing his eyes and sighing. jace moved closer, pulling simon's face in for a kiss. he poured all his emotion into the kiss, he didn't know if it would ever happen again. simon put a hand on jace's chest, pulling him away. jace chased simon's lips, not wanting it to end. but simon shook his head, swallowing thickly. 

"what about- what about clary." simon blinked quickly and his eyes darted around jace's face, searching for an answer.

"i broke up with her, she's not what i wan't. i want you, simon. i'll always want you."  jace said, choking on a quiet sob. this time, it was simon who pulled jace close, holding him, kissing him, loving him.

simon lewis was always going to love jace. and although sometimes he doubted it, jace lightwood was always going to love him, too. 

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