2: A Daring Escape

Start from the beginning

When we arrived at the club, I must admit we looked smoking hot. Sarah had a on a white jean skirt with a pink tube top and heels. I was wearing black jeans, black tank top, and wedges. I looked dangerous and ready to dance. It was ladies night, which meant we got in free and guys paid ten dollars.

We snuck in the back; well technically, it was the VIP entrance, being the princess did have some benefits. If the paparazzi had caught us, the pictures would be out within the hour and security would haul my butt back home.

I also had to leave my phone and Sarah's phone at home. This means we could not even take cool pictures of us to post on the social network sites later, because they have installed GPS trackers in our phones and multiple clothing items of mine. We have to be very careful of what we take with us and what we wear because they have caught us before but then we know it is time to refine our sneak out strategies. 

Tonight, I was out to have a great time with my best friend and to meet a few new male friends. Even though tonight I have to wear a wig to disguise who I was so I do not attract male stalkers, or because I am famous, I do not want to date guys who are just into me because of my face being plastered all over the newspaper or magazines. 

First, stop is the bar for some sugary, high calorie drinks to take the edge off. Then the dance floor to dance up against complete strangers. Time slipped by so fast, and it was nearing one am. I was still amazed my security had failed to find us for almost five hours now.

I looked around and could not find Sarah; she must have danced away with some guy to make out on the edge of the dance floor. After circling the dance floor twice, I could not find her. 

Finally, I found Sarah in some guy’s arms in a booth near the bar. I dragged her off him and told her it was time to go. 

"No, Anne I just want to stay for a few more minutes," Sarah whined at me, obviously very drunk.

"I'll call you babe," the random guy she was making out with said before walking off to find the next drunk victim to make out with if not more. He did not even know her name otherwise, he would have said instead of babe. Babe is such an offensive term to women.

"I'll be waiting, oh wait don't you need my number?" Sarah pretty much shouted.

The random guy was too far away and it was extremely loud, even with Sarah drunkenly screaming, he did not hear her. He also could have chosen to ignore her, figuring she would not go farther than making out.

We had to go out the front to hail a taxi so of course; paparazzi got enough pictures to pay this month’s rent, of Sarah staggering drunk to the curb while I tried unsuccessfully to hail a cab. Finally, a strange young man wearing dark shades at night, which I found a little weird, hailed one for us.

I put Sarah into the cab and then turned around to thank him to only find out; he had disappeared in the mobs of people, paparazzi, and random bystanders. We managed to sneak in through the front doors, which I figured security was monitoring the cameras and knew we were home safe and I would get the usual lecture in the morning. I walked Sarah into my bathroom, put a towel down next to the toilet, and laid her down there. Once my head hit my own pillows, I was out faster than you could say royal soul mates. What a night!

I awoke the next morning, well actually early afternoon, and my first thought was I am going to be married in less than two months from today and I will be waking up with someone else next to me. July 15, 2015 is the exact date that this ceremony will happen, my twenty-first birthday of course. A month after wedding is when the coronation ceremony shall occur. A month after just to make sure all the proper documents are filed and the marriage is legitimate. 

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