He didn't answer me j was loosing patience. I saw harry take a seat. I also saw Liam come up to us. He took Niall's phone from him and went through this twitter. I already read what they had to say, and it was horrible. Worse than before to be honest.

Liam shook his head. I'm usually the one to give the lectures about how we should always come to each other when we have hate. Niall never looked up at me. He is the youngest I know, but still. That's another reason. He's the fucking youngest out of all of us and he gets the most hate and he never tells us!

"Look at me!" I shouted

He looked up and so did Harry and Liam.

Gracie's P.O.V

"look at me!" I heard someone shout. I quickly opened my eyes thinking someone was talking to me. I turned my head and I saw Zawayn, Wiam, Hawy and Niawel.
Why did Niawel look so scared I thought? I saw Zwayn in his face and Niall looking down. Then I heard Zwayn yell something and I saw Niawle get up and hit Zwayn in the face!!
They both stood up. I saw them hit each other. Then Niawel fell down and he landed in front of my seat. I was scared cause I thought he would hurt me. He looked up and me and frowned.

Niall's P.O.V

Who does he think he is yelling at me for this shit?! He was talking and I didn't even care. I got up and punched him in the cheek. He stumbled back and was surprised. I only hit and punch when I get super angry. And I was angry. He is making a big deal out of nothing. He came charging at me and hit me in the face, he hits harder though. I crashed to the ground. I looked up and I saw Graice! Fuck!
She went pale, probably because of the blood. She was shaking and crying. I went up to hold her and unbuckle her but she flinched away and cried harder. I think I saw Zayn look up. He looked at Gracie and me. He gave me a sympathetic smile, see that's how it usually is. I get my anger out and we fight a little, but we are best friends and we don't stay mad at each other.
Anyways, I saw him go over to Graice. She looked up and him and screamed he still picked her up though.
Zayn you fucking idiot!

Gracie's P.O.V

Niall went to grab me but I flinched away. I was too scared. I swear they are going to hurt me. Or worse they are going to lock me in the closet!!
He looked at me sadly and didn't touch me after. I felt someone touch my tummy and take out the strap holding me on the seat. I looked up and it was Zayn, they both were a bleeding mess. I flinched but he didn't care I think.
He picked me up and I scream.

"PWEASE I sorry! No PWEASE don't" I kept screaming and crying. Trying to get out of his hold.
He held me tighter while I cried. I saw hawy come up to us, but Zaywen moved him away.
I remember the last thing that Zwayn did to me. It was horrible.
I was trying my best to get out of his hold, but he held on tighter until it hurt.

"PWEASE your hwuting mwe!!"

Zayn P.O.V

"PWEASE your hwuting mwe!!"
I heard her tiny voice yell at me. She was screaming and crying. Why was she acting so damn difficult. I sat down and she was shaking. I tried saying soothing things in her ears but she wouldn't stop crying and shaking. She kept saying me not to hurt her.
I think harry was getting pissed. So he came up to me and snatched her from me.

Harry P.O.V

I snatched Gracie out of Zayns hold. She was whimpering and crying and I just couldn't fucking just sit here and do nothing! I let him have her for 20 minutes and she still hasn't calmed down. I took her and I sat her down. I turned her body around so that her forehead could lay on my chest. I whispered things in her ears.

"Baby girl, I'm right here. See it's me. Hawwy" I said to her

She looked up at me slowly and she saw that it really was me. She then hugged me tight. She whispered to me. "Hawy PWEASE don't wet them hwut mwe" she cried.

"Honey they weren't going to hurt you!" I said to her
I rubbed her back.
She still wasn't calming down! It never takes her this long. I tried everything, singing and stroking her cheek and kissing her and whispering sweet things in her ears, but nothing worked.
I looked up and I saw Liam giving me a bottle filled with milk for her. I opened it and put it to her mouth. I turned her so I was holding her head on my arm and her body laying on my chest. She fisted my shirt in her tiny palms. I put the bottle to her lips but she didn't open her mouth. I sighed, I just kind of forcefully pushed it to her. After a few drinks so just literally closed her eyes. I took the bottle out. What?
Liam came up to me

"I crushed a sleeping pill in her drink, you were having a bit of trouble controlling her so I crushed half a pill and gave it to her. I'm sorry" he told me

"Nah man. It's good, thank you." I said
He nodded and left .

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