"Ugh! I can't take this anymore!! I will meet you in the gym." I said walking towards the door. I felt pressure on my wrist as I was flung around.

   My front was pressed up against Kinton's as his other arm, that wasn't holding my wrist hostage, snaked around my waist and held me there.

   "And your lips..." He drug out. My cheeks were starting to flush and I hated that he could make them do that. No other guy has ever been able to make me blush no matter what.

   My breath caught in my throat as he brought the hand that was around my wrist up to rub my bottom lip. The whole time he was looking in my eyes and when he noticed that my breathing slowed the smirked.

   Then he was gone and sitting down on the chair again and I was left standing there glaring at him.

  "I really hate you, Shit Face." I said. Then I turned around and stomped out of the room. I unlocked the door and then slammed it behind me.

   I walked down the hall a little then turned a corner and lent up against the wall.

   After a couple of minutes I regained my breath and the color went out of my cheeks and I started walking down the hall again towards the gym.

  I flipped my hair over my shoulder and walked in.

 "Oh your here!" A blond said as she ran over to where I was. "We decided to make you and Aaralyn head decorators since you have done this every year, and we need to know where you want things." I nodded.

  "Okay what do you need?" She told me they wanted to know where I thought the best place would be for the snack and juice tables, the DJ table and all the decorations. After about five minutes, Aaralyn walked into the room and then she was bombarded with questions.

  "Aara! Come here!" I yelled. When she saw me she laid her bag down and ran over to where I was.

  "Okay, where do you think the snack tables should go?" I asked looking around the room then down at the clip board I was handed and pointed at different parts on it. "If we put them here, then we can put the DJ table here." I said pointing.

  "But if we put it here then the DJ table can go here and the ballot table can go here."

  "I thought the ballot table had to go by the door?" I shook my head.

  "No the ticket table has to go by the door." She nodded.

  "I think we should put the DJ table over there, under the basket ball hoop, that way we could put the ballot table over there out of the way of the dance floor and the snack tables can go in the front up by the door." 

    I thought it over, and actually agreed with her. "I think your right. I like that."

   "Okay girls! Put the ballot table over there. Then the snack tables there. And the DJ table under that basket ball hoop." I told them.

   "We should put the tinsel up on the basket ball hoops and then thread it over the lights and tape the ends to the walls." Aara told me.

   And it kept on going for the next 2 and a half hours. When we were finally done we packed up what we hadn't used yet and every one left. 

   Luckily I had drove my own car this morning, so I didn't have to listen to her crap about Kinton liking me. I am pretty sure that he is doing it just to aggravate me.

   I got in my car after saying good bye to Aara then left the school parking lot.

   I pulled in to my drive way but for some reason I sat in my car for a couple of moments after I shut it off.

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