Pack Ranks

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Large werewolf packs usually have ranks, they're complicated, but necessary in a large pack(s).

High Rankings:

Alpha (1-2) - Usually there are two within a pack, although sometimes there is only one. However there can only be one of each gender holding this position. They are normally the active mating pair. They are dominant over all the rest of the pack and what they say should be considered law within their pack. They take an interest in what goes on in their pack and if they've been away for any length of time look to the Beta to learn of what goes on in the pack. (Leaders)

Beta (1-2) - There may be one or two in a pack, one of each gender. They may or may not be mates and are second in command. When neither alpha are around they take charge as it is the responsibility that falls to them. The Beta is there in order to test the Alpha in skirmishes which are never truly serious and results in little to no damage of either creature. Although there may come a time when the challange is serious. (Second in Command)

Gamma (1-2) - Those holding this position are usually if not always the oldest and wisest of the pack. Through their stories and their phrases they pass on to the others within the pack their wisdoms. They delight in telling stories to pups though sometimes what they tell is just legend, but still each story usually has some sort of moral to it. At one time they may have been the Alpha and usually that is true. However the current Alphas may put others here should it seem right to them. There is usually only one or two who fill this position and normally only one of each gender, especially if they were a prior Alpha pair. Those who hold this position are much respected and loved by the rest of the pack. (Elders)

Epsilon (1-2) - They are the Gaurdians of the pack. Their job is to ward off intruders and are responsible for the safety and wellbeing of the pack. They should have at one time been either an Zeta, Eta or Iota for they will need the skills of peace and fighting. Though they should only resort to violence should peaceful persuasion fail. (Gaurdians)

Theta (1) - They are the lead medics within the pack, therefore it is they that the Iota aspire to be. (Lead Medic)

Iota (1-2) - They are the medics of the pack, knowledgable in herbology. They have vast knowledge upon what plants and other natural resources will help cure and heal others. (Medics)

Kappa (1-2) - They are the lead hunters in the pack. Normall there is only one, though sometimes there are two depending upon how large the pack is. They lead the packs hunts when the Alpha or the Beta when substituting tell them to. They make sure that the entire pack is well fed and will not starve. They oversee as well, that the pack will have a well balanced diet. (Lead Hunters)

Lambda (Unlimited) - They are the hunters of the pack. They follow the Alpha or the Iota in the hunts. Those who hold this position are loyal and quick to follow orders. They have stealth and agility on their side and together are able to take down larger prey. (Hunters)

Mid Rankings:

Pi (1-4) - The Pi are therapists within the pack. Often the other members will come to them to confide in, because it is the duty of the Pi to keep such confidences confidential and try and help those who come to them by giving them advice and advising them on what might be best for them. Although they are not always right, but should be able to help out and be a good listener. It is also advised that they themselves do not make judgements of others. (Therapists)

Sigma (1-2) - The Sigma are the Tutors of the pack. They know much about each thing. They often work with the Phi in order to teach the pups as well as the subordinates and others who might need a bit more knowledge within the pack. (Tutors)

Lower Rankings:

Phi (1) - They are the pup sitters of the pack and delight in teaching the young that which they will need in the future. However if a pup gets lost or hurt they are hold accountable should the pup have been under their care at that time. (Pup-sitter)

Omega (1) - They are the scape goats of a pack. Often they are picked on by the other wolves and are last to eat. Sometimes things may become so bad that they might even up and leave the pack, though there are those who remain to stick it out. (Lowest Rank)


Pup - They are the young usually born the pack under the age of one. Depending upon morality and the attitude of a pack as well as the food that is aviable the number of pups in any pack may vary.

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