Recklessly Spontaneity

Start from the beginning

"Those are just words, Shawn," Maya said. "You love each other, then prove it."

"I've always known how to get out of anything, Maya," Shawn began, after skillfully getting out of her finger trap. "The only thing that holds me here is her."

At this point Cory got up and left, which was probably a good thing cause he would have hated what Shawn said next.

"There was nowhere to go but everywhere, so just keep on rolling under the stars," Shawn began, turning to his fiance. "Kerouac wrote that in On the Road. I feel like my entire life I've been on the road."

"Well, welcome home," Katy whispered as she pulled him in for a hug.

"Something good is happening for me," Shawn stated, surprise only slightly entering his voice. Katy just giggled at him, a huge grin on her face.

Shawn was happy. He almost couldn't believe it. Happier than he'd ever been in his whole life. And tomorrow he was going to marry the woman he loved, unless of course, his idea of a surprise wedding greatly offended her.

"The groom isn't suppose to see the bride the night before the wedding," Cory reminded Shawn a few moments later. Cory was in on the surprise wedding.

"Yeah, but that was from back when you met the bride at the wedding," Shawn scoffed, then added thoughtfully. "Also, it might help if the bride knows about the wedding."

"Still," Cory countered. "You and Maya are staying here tonight."

"Why Maya?"

"Riley already invited her," Cory said awkwardly. "Those two are linked at the hip!" Shawn still hadn't asked if Maya would be alright with him calling her his daughter, but in this moment, he couldn't help but smile at the fact that his and Cory's daughters were as close as sisters, closer even.

"How are we going to explain to Katy that I'm staying here?" Shawn asked after a moment. Then to his horror, Cory proceeded to make a complete fool of himself, proclaiming that before Katy take his Shawny away forever, they got one more slumber party. Both Topanga and Katy looked at Cory with confusion, but neither of them objected to Shawn's sleeping on the Matthew's couch tonight.

"Marrying into the Shawn/Cory dynamic can lead to some very strange moments," Topanga was telling Katy as she left. "Trust me. This is your new normal." The door closed behind them.

"Oh great," Shawn groaned. "Now Katy will think I'm as crazy as you."

They spent the evening planning tomorrow. Shawn already had the decorations picked out, and Cory had agreed to help set them up in the morning. That night Shawn fell asleep on the couch, his mind whirling with thoughts of the future. He couldn't help imagining what Katy's face would look like when she saw what he'd done.

"Yip, yip, yip, yip, yip, yip, yip, yip."

Shawn lifted his head to see Cory sleeping with his head on the other end of the couch.

"What are you doin'?"

"I couldn't sleep," Cory replied.

"But you could sleep here?" Shawn said exasperated. Cory had a perfectly good bed with his wife in it, just meters away.

"Like an angel," Cry replied. "So Shawn, listen, this whole committing your whole life to another person thing, very big step."

"I love her," Shawn said, knowing exactly where Cory was going with this, and having a flashback of himself asking Cory if he really liked Topanga while they both sat beside the altar at his wedding.

"Okay, so here's the big test," Cory began, but Shawn cut him off.

"Yes, more than you."

"Who do you love more? Do you love her more than me?" Cory finished talking anyway.

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