Chapter 46 - School Wide Contests and Computers

Start from the beginning

As the event started, Skye couldn't decide if having more people was an advantage or disadvantage for this event. Jane, Bruce Jemma and Fitz seemed to be butting heads immediately as to who would do which activity. Franklin Hall, who was the only one working alone, got right on his tasks with no one to argue with. As the event went on, however, her team seemed to pull it together and after classifying liquids and solids, and creating some sort of strange gel that looked suspiciously like the goo in the exploding boxes that they would see tomorrow, SHIELD/Avengers took first, with STRIKE and the Defenders of the Galaxy rounding out second and third.

Next up was flying, which was being held in the P.E. field. It looked like a giant obstacle course had been suspended in mid-air, and the participants had to fly through it, with the first person to cross the finish being the winner. Sam had his wing pack, Rhodey was in his suit, and they both were looking very confident.

"I'd like to say that Sam and Rhodey had this in the bag, but Hope and Carol are pretty amazing, and with as tiny as Hope gets, she can easily get through any of those obstacles," Natasha said, as they found a place to sit and watch.

Tony almost looked offended. "I have confidence in my suit, Nat. Rhodey will do very well. If only Sam would let me get ahold of those wings, I could fix them up a lot more too."

"Let's not forget Clark here, guys. He can pretty much do anything so this should be a piece of cake for him," Bruce added.

In the end though, Nat was right. Carol and Hope came in an impressive first and second place, easily winning the event for the Defenders of the Galaxy. Rhodey managed to squeak by Clark for second, leaving Clark in third. As they all landed, it appeared that Clark didn't seem to mind at all that he was beaten by Carol, Skye noted with a grin.


Clint and Steve walked ahead with Natasha and Bucky to the shooting competition for moral support, while Skye and Wanda made their way there with everyone else. Once again, a shooting range had been set up outside so that the crowd could watch the event, but this time there was a rope to keep the crowd at a distance, and they had already been told that only shooters would be allowed beyond the rope once the competition started. Professor Magneto was posted by the rope, and Skye wondered how much of this had to do with the interference of Sylvie back in their OPs competition. Seeing Loki and Sylvie standing together by the rope, Skye grabbed Wanda's hand and made her way over to them.

"Hey Loki, Sylvie. Having fun so far?" Loki nodded, while Sylvie ignored her.

"I suppose. We've won one of the two events that have been held, which isn't bad," Loki replied. "I do not have to compete until after lunch."

"I'm right before lunch." She could feel the nervousness creeping into her brain as she thought about it, so she decided to talk about something else. "Sylvie? What are you competing in?"

She looked briefly like she might not bother answering her before Skye noticed Loki touch her arm lightly. Almost instantly Sylvie gave her a little smile. "I'm in Debate and Capture the Flag."

Skye looked from Loki to Sylvie warily. "Oh, well good luck to you." Skye thought about asking who would be representing STRIKE in shooting, but she already could guess the answer and she didn't want to push her luck with Sylvie.

As if they could hear what Skye was thinking, Brock and Rollins walked onto the field toward the gun range. Both seemed focused on the task at hand. Principal Fury, who was in charge of this event with Ms. Hand, announced that anyone not shooting had to leave the area, and he waited as kids came toward the ropes. Steve and Clint both ducked under right next to Skye and Wanda.

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