Chapter 8 - Knuckleheads and Roommates

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Skye met Peter in the hallway outside of her class. "What is Special Interests?" she asked him, as they walked to the car.

"Well, they are sort of a rotating thing. You pick a new one every six weeks or so. Sort of like clubs, I guess? We just started a rotation. I'm doing Photography. I took Engineering before that. You don't get a grade, and you learn fun stuff. They encourage you to pick something new but a lot of people stick to what they like. Rarely, you will get assigned to a class because the teacher thinks you need extra help, or might particularly like something that you wouldn't normally pick."

"Oh. Is basket weaving an option?" She giggled at him. "That might be fun to learn."

They met Mrs. Parker, and soon they were back at the house, helping her prepare baked chicken. They were both full of questions for her about her first day, and Peter seemed a bit awed that she had spent most of it with the SHIELD/Avenger kids. He was practically giddy when she told him that Tony had mentioned the possibility of inviting him to join them. Mr. Parker told them that they were already working on the first competition of the year. This got Peter even more excited.

After they finished dinner and helped Mr. Parker with the dishes, they loaded up the few belongings that Skye had and headed off to the dorm.

It was around 6:00pm when they pulled up to the building. This was another large and imposing stone building, and appeared to be within easy walking distance to the school. Skye noticed a volleyball court off to one side, and a basketball court on the other. Peter whispered to her that there was a pool out back, but it was closed now since it was too cold to swim. Only kids who needed to swim were allowed. He mentioned a boy named Arthur Curry, but Skye didn't think that she'd met him yet.

As they got out of the car, Skye was surprised to find Loki sitting alone on the steps, tossing a baseball up in the air and catching it repeatedly. When he saw them, he set the ball down and walked over to the car.

"Hello, Skye. Peter, Mr. and Professor Parker. Would you like some help?"

"There really isn't a lot," Skye said, as she grabbed a box that Loki took from her, before she could even turn around.

"Thank you, Loki!" Mrs. Parker smiled at him.

"Hey Loki?" Peter asked as he grabbed a suitcase. "Which reading group are you in?"

"I am reading Artemis Fowl. I haven't started it yet. And you?"

"I'm reading the same. Simmons talked Fitz into reading Ella Enchanted, poor guy. Want to work on the questions for the first chapter together later?"

"That would be fine." Loki responded.

Mr. Parker grabbed the second suitcase, and Skye grabbed the plant that Mrs. Parker had given her 'to liven up her room' and they all followed Mrs. Parker through the front door. They were greeted by a woman in all black, with long solid white hair, and a man in a blue track suit with a number 4 on his chest, just like the one Professor Richards wore.

"Hello, Skye," the woman said with a friendly smile. "Welcome! My name is Ororo. I go by Storm. This is Johnny Storm. No, we are not related. I am responsible for the girl's side of the dorm, and Johnny is responsible for the boy's side." Skye waved to them both.

"I go by Johnny. A lot less formal, and a lot less confusing." He looked surprised when he seemed to notice Loki for the first time. "Hey man. What are you doing here?"

"I was outside getting some fresh air and tossing around a baseball when they pulled up, so I volunteered to help."

Johnny raised one eyebrow at Loki, and grinned. "You were outside playing ball? You? Really?"

Middle School HeroesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora