Nostalgic Chicken

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Inside Charlie's there are many families and friends gathering around their tables, stuffing their faces with food and conversing together in joy – it looked like a great place to eat, and after all it was our first night in Queensland, celebrating our final years of secondary school. 
‘What do you guys think?’ I ask Jessica, Andre, Danny and Axel
They liked the idea of eating at Charlie’s, so we all made a unanimous decision to dine here.

As we waited for our meals we conversed about what our plans were for the ten days in Queensland.
'J, you have to go on the Giant Drop with me, please!' Jessica screamed at me, despite me being centimeters away from her.
'J, you know I am terrified of heights...' I said, not elaborating any further because I could see the waitress approaching us.
'Justin is just a puss.....'
'Sorry about the wait guys! We are just low on staff today, and struggling a little in the kitchen,' explained the waitress.
Thankfully she interrupted Andre as I knew he was just about to call me a pussy.

'So, here's the Chicken Pasta Special.'
The waitress placed my meal gently on the table in front of me and suddenly a gorgeous incense of chicken, bacon and cream all compiled into one emerged; causing my stomach to twist, turn and growl in starvation. I wanted to devour what appeared to be a magnificent looking dish, garnished to perfection. However, I thought I would be respectful and wait for my entourage to get their meals as well.
Once we all got our meals I looked around the table, Jessica had ordered the Caesar Salad and I could see her lovely marble blue eyes light up at the presence of her meal. She was struggling to locate her hair tie because of the exceeding amount of bangles worn that night, finally she found it and tied her long luscious sandy blonde hair into a bun. However, her hair appeared to be purple and blue due to the lighting - which I thought was quite hilarious because she appeared clown like.
Andre ordered a Vegetarian Pizza with salami, which I thought was quite odd, as did everyone else; but he is a pretty odd guy, handsome, with a lot of stubble, thinned framed glasses and short spiky hair.
Axel ordered the Steak Special, which contained steak, mushroom sauce and chips. He had a big smirk on his face which lit up his dark brown eyes. Surprisingly the light of the restaurant did not reflect off his glasses distorting his distinct eyes.
Danny had ordered the Aussie Pizza, which to us wasn't a surprise; despite his European ethnicity Danny was very much Australian. He's tanned, nice build and out of the males in our group, does not wear prescription glasses.

The pasta felt so succulent in my mouth, the chicken was cooked to perfection, very nice and tender, the creamy sauce was sublime, and the bacon made it complete. I could hear the sizzling of the chicken and bacon in every fork full, it was perfection; despite the awkward dinner conversation that I was oblivious to due to the fixation of my phenomenal meal.

As I hear the sizzle of bacon and chicken in my frying pan, I want to create that moment again, I want to produce a perfect home cooked meal, just like the one I had on my holiday in Queensland last year. 

© 2013 Justin Leonard Sacco.

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