Chapter 1: NEW Friends And New Actions

Start from the beginning

I walk deeper into the room "lady cora" I called out but got no answer.

"cora!" I say hoping that maybe she was just ignoring me like she's done before when I call her my lady.

I find myself standing in the middle of the room confused and slightly worried, that was until the door came bursting open and cora came in with a huge smile on her face.

"Yas! Perfect just who I wanted to see! You never-" she was cut off by me walking closer and holding her by ejtger side of her arm and looking at her carefully, she laughs "hello there, you okay?"

I cross my arms "where was you my lady, I began to worry"

"I was in the library" she say softly and walks over to her dressing table as if it was nothing, once again I frown.

"the library?" I say making her look at me as she giggles.

"yes yas, a library you know a place where there's load of books!" her sarcasm made me roll my eyes but a smile took over my face.

"but you're okay?" I ask,  her eyes soften and she grabs my hand.

"I'm find my friend please do not worry" she smiles which makes me smile.

"now! You never guess what I've just heard?" she giggles and makes in excitement.

"What?" I giggled at her as she look way to over excited, I tell you whatever this is brought her such joy it made me very curious.

"My brothers only been given a servant" she laughed, throwing herself back on her bed.

"Damn...I feel sorry for the poor guy" I laughed when she laughed louder.

"have you met seen him yet?" she asks  making me shake my head.

"I havent, I'm afraid I have yet to meet the poor soul"

As I got closer she continues to move away form me to the other part of the room, her little game of cat and mouse.

I huff at her as she laughs at me.

"Come on Cora, we need to get you change" I smiled at her before lounging forward and managing to grab her, she groans instantly but knows she lost the game she sulks over to her wardrobe.

I chuckled and shook my head as I walk over to her, nodding at the dress she shows me before helping her Change.

Cora was the only person I could seem to be myself around, being around her fills me with such ease.

After she was dressed, she sat down as I began to brush her hair.

A long since past through the room and I could see she was deep in thought, it made me wonder what she could possible be worrying herself about.

"Yas-" her vicue breaks the silence, I look at her through the morrow but she seemed to be in a little trance staring into space.

"how is your house?" She suddenly asked out of the blue, her eyes snapping up to meet mine.

"I'm sorry my lady?" tearing my eyes away as I pretend to concentrate on her hair.

"Your house, how is it? Is it warm? Are you okay there?" the concern in her voice hurts me, she shouldn't be worrying herself about someone like me.

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