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Words:- 6694.

Song- glee every time.

Yasmin's P.O.V

I stood with the many other servants all of which looked at me with dispair and distaste.

I have yet to find out why but I feel its because my position in the castle, nothing more.

It wasn't like I was beautiful or anything, I'm hardly anything to look at.

I caught a glimpse of myself in the castle window and I instantly look away.

I haven't got many people to talk here which is why I always find myself in my thoughts, which believe me is not the best place to be.

My thoughts were cut short by the sound of heavy footsteps echoing in my ears.

My head snaps up to look only to instantly look down at the floor, the king was walking this way and I was not going to give him another reason to punish me.

I felt my body tense the moment he walked past me, I didn't miss the scoff he gave when he looked at me.

I didn't seem to breath until his footsteps went round the corner, He treated me as if I was beneath him, I am beneath him.

All us servants are.

I guess your wondering how I ended up in this position, working practically my whole life in the castle.

You see the king killed my parents and my older brother, leaving me alone.

He then ordered me to work in the castle, the contract cannot be broken; unless, well unless I die.

I felt tears build in my eyes as I thought of my brother and parents but I blinked them away, I would not cry in front of these people and I would not cry on the grounds of the castle!

I will not allow them that power!

My parents were loving and my brother was my best friend.

My mother was a witch and my father a werewolf, we had managed to keep our secret for so long.... Until the day we couldn't.

My brother was a werewolf like dad, as for me well I was a werewolf but there's moments in my life I've managed to produce magic.

Mother always said I was different, the first of my kind but I still have yet to figure out what she means.

My brother and I was close but we became even closer when he helped me with my first shifts and was their for me with every full moon that passed.

He'd hold me in his arms every transformation, helping keep the pain at bay.

Then it all fell to shit, the day was clear in my brain just like it was everytime I closed my eyes.

The king said there was a witness, but no witness came! The thing was when the king accused you of something, it was impossible to be proven anything other then what he said.

The king accused them of using magic and killed them. All of them but me.

My parents and brother made it their life's mission to keep my abilities hidden and they succeeded.

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