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Parent Teacher Conference: Impact Style

Teacher: Excuse me, miss? You're Impact's mother, yes?

Me: Yes, Yes I am.

Teacher: Please come into the classroom, ma'am.

*I enter the classroom*

Teacher: Impact was doing freat until about a week ago. He seemed to be alone much more often. He doesn't eat school lunch, miss. Is there something going on at home that we need to be notified of?

Me: I don't think so.

Teacher: He really seems to idolize his father. Is Mr. Font home often?

Me: Not really, no.

Teacher: I believe this child is feeling. . .neglected.

Me: Oh. . .

Impact: . . . . . . .

Teacher: Thank you for coming in, Ma'am.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2018 ⏰

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