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I groaned as Papyrus finally settled down. The tickle fight had gone on for a long time. I really thought that this house was getting too crowded for all of us. I wondered what would happen if Papyrus and I moved out and just grew a life of our own. I thought that it would be a great idea. Like, what exactly would I do normally?

People always are walking in on Papyrus and I trying to have some time simply to ourselves. I'm sure that Lite and Sans would like to have the extra time to themselves, too. My only problem is trying to explain to Papyrus why it would be a good idea to move out soon. I thought maybe that he would understand.

Looking into his eyes, I took a deep breath. He was so cute. So funny. So. . .great. That word simply brought him all together. I loved it. 

I looked up, at him, and pecked him lightly on the lips. 

Ha! I win!

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