I know exactly what I'm feeling

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Once the four of them arrived closer to Junhui and Minghao, Jeongguk noticed that they were talking with the guys who performed earlier.

Yoongi immediately went closer to the one that Jeongguk had thought that looked like him and started to talk with him.

Minghao then noticed his friend was chatting with someone else and once he took a glance in their direction, he spotted Jimin.

"Park Jimin!" He exclaimed, with a huge smile. "What are you doing here?"

Jimin beamed, waved at Junhui, who waved back, and hugged Minghao. "I know some of the people who graduated today."

"Me too. Two of my friends are music majors and one of them is a dance major." Minghao replied.

"My boyfriend is a music major and two of my friends are design majors." Jimin replied.

"Oh really?" The other asked.

Jeongguk was too busy trying to hide himself behind his boyfriend to really pay attention to their conversation.

He noticed that suddenly Jimin was introducing Yoongi to Minghao and Junhui and failed to connect the dots and foresee what was about to happen.

That's why once Jimin introduced Taehyung to them and showed them that Jeongguk was also there as a graduate, the younger failed to form a sentence and just hid himself further behind his boyfriend.

Thankfully their attention was dragged away by Minghao introducing his friends to them. The two music majors who performed earlier, Lee Jihoon and Lee Seokmin, and the dance major who also performed that night, Kwon Soonyoung.

Jimin and Minghao then started a conversation about hair dye, because apparently Jimin was surprised to see the other with brown hair instead of colored and that made the two of them ignore everyone around.

Jeongguk was more than happy to be ignored and was almost asking Taehyung to just fade away from the group and go back to their table.

Unfortunately before he could even say the first word, no one other than Wen Junhui turned to face them and gave Jeongguk a small smile.

"So you decided to do a post-graduation Jeongguk?" He asked, a bit shyly. "HaoHao wants to do one as well but more focused on fashion design."

"Y-yeah." Jeongguk stuttered. He couldn't believe Junhui was actually talking to him. Of course he had no feelings towards him now, but the fact his old crush was really talking to him still made him nervous. "That sounds cool, he should go for it."

"We are looking into it, it's a bit expensive." Junhui told with a sad smile. "But maybe next year he will be able to do it."

"It's never too late right?" Jeongguk said, hoping it was the right thing to say.

Junhui nodded. "That's what I always tell him. He should never give up on his dreams."

"True." Jeongguk agreed.

There was a moment of silence between them, what made the younger wonder if Junhui was just as timid as he is.

Jeongguk always thought of the other as an outgoing person, given the fact he chatted around with considerably a lot of people, but as he had never talked to Junhui himself, he just couldn't be sure of how the older is.

Observing how the conversation died as soon as it started and now they were both just standing there uncomfortably, Jeongguk figured his impression of the older was wrong all along. He was just as shy as Jeongguk is.

Obviously trying to make the situation not as awkward as it had become, Taehyung started to talk.

"So I take you two went to the same college?" He asked Junhui.

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