And it's so ironic how it's only been a year

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After what could possibly be the tenth professor to talk about the future and how they have to try making the world a better place and other cheesy shit, the speeches finally were over and done with and Jeongguk was sure that now they would began delivering the diplomas, but no.

That's when the music and dance majors decided that it would a great idea to show off their talents.

Some guy by the name of Kwon Soonyoung and a dude that looked absurdly like Yoongi – Jeongguk had to look over the M line of seats to check that his hyung was still sitting there looking like he was about to kill everyone around for making him wait so long to graduate – but was called Lee Jihoon, entered the stage and Jeongguk was ready to groan over how shitty and annoying the presentation would turn out to be.

The only thing that slipped his mind was that his class was graduating along the dancers and music majors, so he should've known better than underestimating the both of them.

Jihoon sat at the piano and began to play one of the most beautiful and sweetest piano pieces Jeongguk ever heard. He was suddenly not feeling like he wanted to disappear from there and he smiled as he listened to the guy play.

After a few seconds, the other started to dance to the music and Jeongguk was left speechless at his talent.

Soonyoung moved like music was made just so he could dance to it. There was no way Jeongguk could even describe such talent and after the presentation was done, he was one of the firsts to begin applauding loudly.

It was such a nice change of presentations at graduations.

Once Jeongguk graduated from both elementary and high school the presentations only featured untalented kids who thought they could sing and dance and watching them perform was pure torture.

So watching those two give a performance that good made Jeongguk want to stand up and cheer for them, but as nobody did that – apart from some people from the audience far back where family and friends were – the younger restrained himself from doing it.

After them there was a dude called Lee Seokmin who sang so beautifully Jeongguk almost cried and then two other performances that were just as good as the rest.

And finally, oh finally, they began to call the names for the students to receive their diplomas. The saloon was filled with cheers, claps and some loud obnoxious screams.

When it was Jeongguk's turn, he rose from his seat with shaken legs and before stepping on stage he managed to make eye contact with his gorgeous boyfriend and receive a breathtaking smile and a thumbs up from him.

He could hear his family and friends screaming loudly ever since his name was called, but once he actually got the diploma it was like they lost their chill. He could clearly point out where his parents, Jimin, Yugyeom, Namjoon, Seokjin and even Hoseok were.

But even if they were loud enough, no other voice was stronger and louder than Taehyung's. Maybe it was just for Jeongguk or maybe it was because his boyfriend was closer to the stage than the others, but he could swear Taehyung screamed and cheered for him as if his life depended on it.

At least that made the younger smile for real once he took the picture holding his diploma. At least this one time his smile for it wasn't a fake one.

When he was walking back to his seat he held eye contact with his boyfriend again and that almost made him fall down. If it wasn't for the fact his chair was right by his side, he would've fallen face down. Thankfully he was just kind of forced into taking a seat faster and more abruptly than he would've liked.

Once Taehyung's turn came he gave himself the mission of shouting louder than anyone there and apparently he succeeded given the fact that as soon as he let his loud scream out, Taehyung almost tripped on the stage and turned to smile at him, shaking his head slightly.

You can't spell space without ace (vkook)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora