Chapter Five: The Choosing (Gemini)

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Gemini's POV

Today was the day. I held my breath as I carried Vina in my arms. My parents told me that today was also known as "Family Day." Pretty much we celebrate how much we thrive off our family. I already do that everyday, but today it felt different. I'd never been more angry in my whole life. Rage builds inside me because I want this to stop. I'm tired of being a coward in a world where cowards are born. I want to kill the King and Queen.

I carried Vina all the way to the stage. We checked in and were standing in the right half of the stage. We decided to stay with our neighbors. A family of three. A boy who is 16 named Erzo and his parents. I used to play with him when we were kids. Now I rarely see him. The only time I make any advances toward him is when I wave to him and in the hallway of our school. He stood next to my father. For once I'm glad my parents are old. They are to old to compete and I'm glad they are.

We stand there and The King and Queen do their usual speech. I was filled with rage every time I would look up and see their faces looking in to the crowd with a goddamn smile. Deep in my mind I knew I was just covered in fear. It showered over me with the rain in a storm. They chose the first name. Apollo Unist. He was standing right behind me. Ironic? I don't know. His wife was in tears as they kissed one last time. One last final time. My mother cried for him.

I felt a tug on my arm. "What's going to happen to him?" He asked. I got a haunting glare from my mother. It was about time he should know. Dyal and I found out from our friends. "Pretty much he will have to fight for his life against a bunch of Ocean creatures trying to hurt him." I tried to put it nicely. This wasn't the time for this. "Can he die?" Axton asked. I just gave a slight nod. He buried his head in my t-shirt. Dyal played with his hair, and tried to comfort him. My mom looked pissed like she wanted to strangle me. I looked back into the crowd.

As more names were being called, more sweat formed at my body and dropped down my sides. Bugs started surrounding us. I swatted at one that landed on me. More bugs were attracted to my sweat. I felt disgusting, I just want a shower. The fourth name was called. "Nova Villaseed!" The woman was really dramatic. She was rolling around on the stage and crying. She cried out words like: "He will win!" I assume she refers to God. Vina started smiling and even gave a small chuckle. I nudged her. "Oww!" She mumbled. She stopped smiling. What a rude gesture, if only she knew what she was going through.

"Time for the fifth name." King Oberon said. He said it with annoyance because of the woman's break down. The names flashed. I blink each time, the bright lights gave me a headache. It suddenly stopped on a name I recognized. "Azura Bevdrill." No I thought panicking not Azura. Azura is my best friend and closest companion. I couldn't let the sharks take her. I screamed through the crowd. The people stared at me. I tried to get Azura's attention but it wasn't working. I felt a pit in my stomach. I wasn't even the one up there. Not Azura. Dyal put a comforting hand on my shoulder. I cried into it. The people surrounded my felt sympathy, probably thought I was her boyfriend.

I saw the tears run down her face, the desperation in her eyes haunted me. It made me want to run up there myself and give her a huge hug. I heard the King and Queen have her announce her age. I whispered "17" as she said it at the same time. I pulled out the 3 inch yarn doll that she made me when I was 9. I missed the days we didn't have to worry, we didn't have to fear. We were just kids. Innocent, Hopeful kids. I clenched my fists together in rage. I couldn't lose her.

I looked upon her crying stage. She gave the woman before her a hug. "Time for the six name." They announced. I stared at Azura's sorrow filled face. The memories all shot at me like bullets. "Sabik Earla." I recognized that name. Everyone recognized it. He is the champion swimmer in Darudum. He won third two years ago and first last and this year. He is so amazing that people would pay to watch him. What a shame. He looked out into the crowd. "How old are you son?" They asked him. "25, I love you mom!" He shouted. He immediately took his spot.

"Okay now for the last name." They said. Both of them hit the button. Queen Ceres adjusted her crown. The names flashed at once. My head pulsing because of the lights. One name. Then another. Hundreds of names a second. I closed my eyes. "Gemini Pluto." My eyes shot open. My name. I looked at my family looking into my hazel eyes. My vision blurred. I wobbled on stage. I saw the expression on Azura's face. She was drained. I was as well. Millions of names and both of ours were pulled. Was this a sign? As my foot stepped on the stage I remember what Grandma said. "You'll survive." I rang in my head. I touched my ear. There was blood on it. I wonder why?

"How old are you now?" Queen Ceres said. She looked at me with her glossy face. Her blond hair in a tight bun. "Umm..18." I stuttered. It just hit me that I might die. I will die. I ran over and gave Azura a hug. The people cried at our action, feeling bad for us, for all of us.

"Everyone here is your candidates for the competition!" They said in unison. I looked back at my family. Dyal was crying the most. Vina and Axton gave confusing yet sad glances on their face. They led us back to a building. Here we go.

Author's Note: It's about time I put out this chapter. I'm so sorry for the wait. What will happen next? Oooooh! Tell me what you think.

Have a good day!

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