Chapter 36

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Riya threw her car on the highway. If she didn't want to find out what and why they arrested Zayn, the chances were high that she could drive over all the cars that came in front of her. Then, chances were low that she would have survived to know why. 

The drive from Abu Dhabi all through Dubai never seemed to be so long than that one. She dreaded the night which was supposed to be light and airy, turned out to be total despair! All her senses told her that Moutasim had done it to goof things up, to prove what a powerful being he was. But she swore she would prove to be a bigger hand and give him a face-off, never would she let an innocent suffer again, no matter whoever was to blame if not her. She had done it once, she still regretted till that day; even five years later, her guilt couldn't get any less.  

At the last traffic signal just when she was about to intersect to take a U-turn, she caught Drake's car tugging behind, a few inches away in the second lane. She waited for him to come forward, while all the cars in the signal queue honked at her in unison. She moved a little ahead and as soon as the now alert Drake started to drive past her, she cut in suddenly, making him pull the brakes urgently. 

Baffled, he came out of the car and asked soberly, "Everything alright, Ma'am?" 

"Lead the way to wherever Moutasim is!" She yelled through the half rolled window and waited for him to speed away. 

Although reluctant, he did just that. About fifteen minutes of following him, they halted in front of the tall building Moutasim had brought her on its rooftop the other day; which she guessed was the NIB headquarters.

Leaving the car on, without parking it somewhere, she rashly got out of it. She dashed across the shiny-tiled empty lobby towards the fingerprint locked elevator. That's when he came out, arrogance outshone like his worst vice. 

He's a trap. He's a trap.

Riya chanted in her head, walking with small yet heavy steps to where he was. She had the eyes to kill and hands that could choke him to death. 


"You talking to me?" He self-pointed and tangled his eyebrows. 

"I don't want to repeat again. I said. WHERE. IS. ZAYN?" 

He glanced back, pretending to check whether she was talking to someone behind him. "Zayn, who?"

He had tested her patience enough for the day. She balled her fists and trudged over, gripping his collar, she told him off, "You're being a selfish brat." 

Encircling his arm around her waist, he pulled her to him and murmured scathingly, "I see a fire in you for your ex-lover."

She tried pushing him away, but he grasped her wrists tight, "Why are you so restless for him?" 

Her eyes darted left to right, "I need to know his crime," heatedly she jerked his hands off. 

A devilish laugh escaped his bitter mouth, "His crime was to be near you." 

"You're stupid Moutasim! I didn't know you'd stoop so low because of jealousy." She gritted her teeth and gave him a disgusting look. 

He pulled her sharply towards him again, "Talking about stooping low, are we?" He abruptly pushed her away, "Alright. No, judgements. What would you do if you knew Zayn is actually innocent but is still getting punished?"

Waving a finger in the air, she answered crisply, "I'd use my law power and bail him free!" 

He laughed sarcastically, "Aha! Why am I not surprised?"

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